info Overview
Name - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s full name?

Jackson Lesley Markum

Other names - What other aliases does Jackson Lesley Markum go by?

Jack, Jack-a-boi

Gender - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s gender?


Age - How old is Jackson Lesley Markum?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s eye color?

ice blue

Race - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

freckles and a scar on his face around his right cheek from falling out of a tree

Weight - How much does Jackson Lesley Markum weigh?

170 lbs

Height - How tall is Jackson Lesley Markum?

5' 11"

Hair Color - What color is Jackson Lesley Markum’s hair?

Green with brown on the sides

Hair Style - How does Jackson Lesley Markum style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

Light stubble

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

singing, art, flight, and building


slight depression and a whole lot of anxiety

Personality type - What personality type is Jackson Lesley Markum?

kind, silly, fun-loving, sorta go with the flow

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

painting and singing to his mom

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

snobby doctors that refuse to help his mother's cancer

Flaws - What flaws does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

he has a slight temper that can affect his anxiety

Motivations - What motivates Jackson Lesley Markum most?

to help his mother through her cancer

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

very polite

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s favorite color?

neon green or light blue

Favorite food - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s favorite food?

pizza but he does also like cheesecake

Favorite possession - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s favorite possession?

the first teddy bear he ever got his mom (but she gave it to him to hold onto)

Favorite weapon - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s favorite weapon?

Winchester Pocket Knife

Favorite animal - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Jackson Lesley Markum practice?


Job - What job does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

he works at a hospital as an unpaid nurse for charity (his pay goes to cancer fundraisers) and at a speedway

Politics - What politics does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

he tries his best to stay out of it

Occupation - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s occupation?

part-time job at speedway along with being a nurse

date_range History
Education - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s level of education?

college (online courses)

Birthday - When is Jackson Lesley Markum’s birthday?


Background - What is Jackson Lesley Markum’s background?

After his father passed away when he was 6 Jack's mom found out she had stage 4 Leukemia and spent the next few years in and out of hospitals for treatments. Jack and his mom moved in with his aunt on his mom's side to help take care of him and it has been normal since then except for when people tease him and call him a charity case

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jackson Lesley Markum have?

a orangish kitten named Simba (like on Lion King)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

His mother's name is Marie Ann Markum
His Aunt's name is Rosa Leanne Woodham

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