info Overview
Name - What is Theo Bulthuman’s full name?

Theo Bulthuman

Other names - What other aliases does Theo Bulthuman go by?


Gender - What is Theo Bulthuman’s gender?

Transgender (female to male)
So he’s a guy

Age - How old is Theo Bulthuman?

Ranging from 20-30 depending on the roleplay

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Theo Bulthuman’s eye color?


Race - What is Theo Bulthuman’s race?


Skin Tone

Light honey brown

Body Type

Tall, thin build with fair amounts of muscle. He looks like a runner/lightweight boxer.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Theo Bulthuman have?

Dragon tattoo running down his left arm, wings tattooed on his shoulders, full sleeve of; adventure time, teen titans, courage the cowardly dog, and scooby doo characters on his right arm, and finally a mechanical spine tattooed over his spine.

Weight - How much does Theo Bulthuman weigh?

212 lbs

Height - How tall is Theo Bulthuman?

6’ 9”

Hair Color - What color is Theo Bulthuman’s hair?

Blackish brown

Hair Style - How does Theo Bulthuman style their hair?

Wolf cut with shaggy layers

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Theo Bulthuman have?

Well shaven

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Theo Bulthuman have?

Naturally good at weapons skills, has a nice singing voice but prefers to sing in private, damn good at most things pertaining to BD$M, negotiations are a breeze for him, very good dancer and fighter.


ptsd, trust issues, anxious tics, depression

Personality type - What personality type is Theo Bulthuman?

chaotic and fun loving. He is a very avid reader and uses reading as an escape from reality. When he is on duty he is a completely different person who is quiet and very reserved from others.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Theo Bulthuman have?

training, swimming, reading, vocal training, visiting pet shops, going to the library and holing up on the top floor with a stack of books, bubble baths, bothering Gyu to teach him code, wandering through Target to see how longs he lasts without picking up a new plushy.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Theo Bulthuman have?

Other mafia families, rapists, child abusers, pedophiles, the government

Flaws - What flaws does Theo Bulthuman have?

Anarchist who wants the purge but will abide most laws

Motivations - What motivates Theo Bulthuman most?

To keep the family safe

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theo Bulthuman have?

Not speaking unless spoken to, nail biting, picking at wounds, humming to himself, sleeping in only boxers.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Theo Bulthuman’s favorite color?

Sunset yellow

Favorite food - What is Theo Bulthuman’s favorite food?

Spicy miso soup with shrimp noodles and tiramisu cake. Don’t forget the Sake or Soju

Favorite possession - What is Theo Bulthuman’s favorite possession?

A ring on a chain necklace. The ring was his mother’s wedding ring. His brother got her engagement ring.

Favorite weapon - What is Theo Bulthuman’s favorite weapon?

knives but he is pretty good with a gun and fairly good with a staff

Favorite animal - What is Theo Bulthuman’s favorite animal?

does stitch count? If not it’s foxes and dragons

Religion - What religion does Theo Bulthuman practice?


Job - What job does Theo Bulthuman have?

Bodyguard, hit man, singer in mafia clubs, and child of the don of the Bulthuman family

Politics - What politics does Theo Bulthuman have?

N/A. He stays out of that shit

Occupation - What is Theo Bulthuman’s occupation?


date_range History
Education - What is Theo Bulthuman’s level of education?


Birthday - When is Theo Bulthuman’s birthday?

February 14

Background - What is Theo Bulthuman’s background?

Fuck around and find out.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Theo Bulthuman have?

1 cat, 1 dog, 2 snakes, and 2 ferrets

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Living situation - has his own house but usually hangs out at his older brother Tora’s place. He usually cooks when he’s there.

  • Outfit - pretty much just baggy shirts and ripped jeans but occasionally he will dress kinda like an e boy and he will wear chokers if possible. Formal clothes would be more of a form fitting silk/chiffon dress with either black flats or black chunky (but still modern) heels and a simple necklace or a simple black tux with a pair of black converse. When on guard duty he wears all black.

  • Facial features - strong jawline, sharp eyes, long and dark eyelashes, full bottom lip with medium top lip, freckles, natural blush.

  • ✨trauma✨ - multiple kidnapping and rape attempts, being adopted by a mafia boss made him a big target since she was young so he learned how to fight at a young age.

  • Least fave weapons - bombs (she has never liked loud noises and that includes fireworks)


This character was created by Call me Rinny on

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