info Overview
Name - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s full name?

Queen Jia Olliver

Role - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s role in your story?

Queen of Pangea

Gender - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s gender?


Age - How old is Queen Jia Olliver?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Queen Jia Olliver weigh?

150 pounds

Height - How tall is Queen Jia Olliver?

5 feet, 9 inches

Hair Color - What color is Queen Jia Olliver’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Queen Jia Olliver style their hair?

Long, straight

Eye Color - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s eye color?

Nut brown

Race - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Triangle, bordering on hourglass

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Queen Jia Olliver have?

Bites her lip when nervous or displeased

Motivations - What motivates Queen Jia Olliver most?

Power and order

Flaws - What flaws does Queen Jia Olliver have?

Picks favorites, quick to anger

Talents - What talents does Queen Jia Olliver have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Queen Jia Olliver have?

Sewing, horseback riding

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Queen Jia Olliver have?

As queen, is very deeply immersed in politics but is still a little confused by them

Favorite color - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s favorite color?

Bright red

Favorite food - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s favorite possession?

Her wedding ring

Favorite animal - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Queen Jia Olliver have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Queen Jia Olliver’s birthday?

September 4, 2132

Education - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s level of education?

Rather high; was a marchioness before marrying the king and had private tutors for most of her childhood

Background - What is Queen Jia Olliver’s background?

Her husband, King Bennett, is dying of a hereditary disease. There has been a law since the formation of Pangea that there must be two rulers and at least one must have royal blood. Since Jia married into the royal family, she cannot rule after her husband's death. Her oldest child, Haydan, must be ready to take the throne along with a spouse. To make sure he gets a good wife and he gets one in time, she rounded up noble girls that were around Haydan's age and held a "princess competition." However, she did not try very hard because she greatly favors her daughter, Mei.

shopping_basket Inventory
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