info Overview
Name - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s full name?

Princess Mei Olliver

Role - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s role in your story?

Princess of Pangea

Other names - What other aliases does Princess Mei Olliver go by?

Beautiful, Plum (two meanings of her name)

Gender - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s gender?


Age - How old is Princess Mei Olliver?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Princess Mei Olliver weigh?

132 pounds

Height - How tall is Princess Mei Olliver?

5 feet, 5.5 inches

Hair Color - What color is Princess Mei Olliver’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Princess Mei Olliver style their hair?

Very curly hair that comes to her backbones; usually loose but occasionally has the sides pulled back

Eye Color - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Race - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Princess Mei Olliver have?

Rubs her eyes a lot, occasionally bites her nails, likes to wind strands of her hair around her fingers when bored

Motivations - What motivates Princess Mei Olliver most?

Her own well-being and safety

Flaws - What flaws does Princess Mei Olliver have?

Overconfident, whiny, harsh

Prejudices - What prejudices does Princess Mei Olliver have?

Anyone below a low noble is garbage

Talents - What talents does Princess Mei Olliver have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Princess Mei Olliver have?

Baking (is terrible at it tho)

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Princess Mei Olliver have?

Both loves and hates the Pangea ruling system. Loves because she's a princess, hates because birth order will prevent her from ever having the throne (unless her brother has no children).

Favorite color - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s favorite food?

Any type of dessert; favors tarts and cupcakes

Favorite possession - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s favorite possession?

A little tiara that she wears for public appearances

Favorite weapon - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s favorite weapon?

Claims to be too sweet to use weapons but is actually interested in them; all her time in the kitchen hasn't made her a good baker but it has made her rather good with a knife

Favorite animal - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Princess Mei Olliver have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Princess Mei Olliver’s birthday?

January 31, 2157

Education - What is Princess Mei Olliver’s level of education?

Very high, has had some of the best tutors in Pangea since a young age

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Princess Mei Olliver have?

She doesn't have any actual pets, but there is a raven that visits her balcony a lot that she's come to think of as a pet

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

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