info Overview
Name - What is nabila meihui chan’s full name?

nabila meihui chan

Role - What is nabila meihui chan’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does nabila meihui chan go by?

nabila, nabi (only if you're close friends)

Gender - What is nabila meihui chan’s gender?

cis female

Age - How old is nabila meihui chan?

18 years old




han chinese



Zodiac sign


face Looks
Weight - How much does nabila meihui chan weigh?

132 lbs

Height - How tall is nabila meihui chan?


Hair Colour

jet black

Hair Style - How does nabila meihui chan style their hair?

she always wears her hair in a bun or a low ponytail, covered by her hijab

Facial Hair - What facial hair does nabila meihui chan have?


Eye Colour

dark brown, almost black

Race - What is nabila meihui chan’s race?


Skin Tone

olive, she is notably the second-darkest in the trio and the darkest in her family.

Body Type

lithe, but not unhealthily thin

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does nabila meihui chan have?



nabila is a fan of modest clothing so she wears a lot of layers and turtlenecks. her style is very much like that of an oxford professor or a businesswoman, in the sense that she dresses like an adult to show off how mature she is. when people think of nabila chan, they think of her wearing a black hijab, a light brown turtleneck, dark brown high-waisted plaid trousers, brown flats and a matching brown blazer.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does nabila meihui chan have?

when speaking, her voice is always clipped and precise. she also rolls her eyes and raises an eyebrow a lot. she always holds eye contact with someone if she is speaking to them, and her brows are usually furrowed. people say she has 'resting bitch face'.

Motivations - What motivates nabila meihui chan most?

achieving her full potential, being a leader

Flaws - What flaws does nabila meihui chan have?

snarky, pessimistic, selfish, condescending and intimidating

Prejudices - What prejudices does nabila meihui chan have?

in primary school, she was made fun of behind her back because of her name. she has also been subjected to microaggressions more than once.

Talents - What talents does nabila meihui chan have?

debating, public speaking, multilingualism

Hobbies - What hobbies does nabila meihui chan have?

reading, writing, studying, pottery

Personality type - What personality type is nabila meihui chan?

istj-a (mbti), rational (keirsey), type a (a vs b), true neutral (moral alignment), slytherin (hogwarts house), choleric (ospp), type 8w9 (enneagram). nabila is the "brains" of the group, she is the most mature one and she takes care of her friends. she is quite popular and she has an intimidating aura around her. she will fiercely protect those she cares about and is a natural leader. however, she can be seen as egotistical and emotionally distant most of the time.



groups Social
Religion - What religion does nabila meihui chan practice?


Politics - What politics does nabila meihui chan have?


Occupation - What is nabila meihui chan’s occupation?

high school student

Favorite colour

light brown/beige, because it's muted and unassuming

Favorite food - What is nabila meihui chan’s favorite food?

vegetarian udon noodles

Favorite possession - What is nabila meihui chan’s favorite possession?

her lucky notebook where she always takes notes

Favorite weapon - What is nabila meihui chan’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is nabila meihui chan’s favorite animal?

black cats because they supposedly bring bad luck and people are scared of them, just like nabila's classmates are scared of her.

Job - What job does nabila meihui chan have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is nabila meihui chan’s birthday?

8th january 2002

Education - What is nabila meihui chan’s level of education?

high school

Background - What is nabila meihui chan’s background?

she was born in birmingham to chinese parents but they moved to america when nabila was twelve years old, the family currently subsides in oregon. when she was 15, her parents' relationship started to decline and they have a failing marriage, but they still live together and raise nabila with each other.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does nabila meihui chan have?

a black cat called xiulan

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

her birth name is meihui but when she converted to shia islam, she changed it to nabila.
she's best friends with popular girl teigan alexandra, and they rule the school because they're both smarter, more intimidating and (objectively) prettier than everyone else.

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