info Overview
Name - What is kacela zlata langford’s full name?

kacela zlata langford

Role - What is kacela zlata langford’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does kacela zlata langford go by?

kacey, kace, cece, dynamo

Gender - What is kacela zlata langford’s gender?

cis female

Age - How old is kacela zlata langford?








Zodiac sign


face Looks
Weight - How much does kacela zlata langford weigh?

136 lbs

Height - How tall is kacela zlata langford?


Hair Colour

brown, slightly darker than an almond

Hair Style - How does kacela zlata langford style their hair?

she has 3c hair which is nearly always in a ponytail. on rare occasions, she will put it in a bun, bunches or have it out with a bandana.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does kacela zlata langford have?


Eye Colour

she has sectoral heterochromia so, though very subtle, her eyes are hazel with dull green flecks in them.

Race - What is kacela zlata langford’s race?


Skin Tone

medium brown

Body Type

chubby with a bit of an hourglass figure. she likes her body and has never felt undesirable or unattractive because of her weight.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does kacela zlata langford have?

she has vitiligo covering her eyes, the lower half of her neck and the majority of her body in large splotches. she also adorns light brown freckles all over her body.


kacey's style is very casual, with a few hints of sporty. she wears a lot of denim and graphic tees with colourful patterns, and always wears shorts or skirts. when people think of kacey langford, they imagine her wearing a white tank top, a pink tennis skirt, baby blue socks and white trainers with pastel pink laces.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does kacela zlata langford have?

she can't stand still; she always fidgets in some type of way. when focused, she sticks her tongue out in concentration. she also tends to bite her nails when she is nervous and blush when she is embarrassed. if something interests her, she will cock her head like a puppy.

Motivations - What motivates kacela zlata langford most?

herself, getting good grades, being accomplished and successful, her parents' attention

Flaws - What flaws does kacela zlata langford have?

aggressive, overambitious, jealous, rude, mood swings so can either be extremely self-centred or self-loathing

Prejudices - What prejudices does kacela zlata langford have?

she's not insecure, but she was younger she was made fun of for her vitiligo.

Talents - What talents does kacela zlata langford have?

playing tennis (her best sport), running, ping-pong, badminton, squash

Hobbies - What hobbies does kacela zlata langford have?

tennis, going to the gym, collecting pins and stickers

Personality type - What personality type is kacela zlata langford?

entp-t (myers-briggs), idealist (keirsey), type a (a vs b), helper, neutral good (moral alignment), gryffindor (hogwarts house), choleric (four temperaments), type 3w2 (enneagram).
kacey loves her friends dearly and will do anything for them. but if there is a chance for her to advance in fame or popularity (especially in tennis), she will have no problem doing less-than-moral things to get there. but, according to her, as long as she doesn't know the person she won't feel any remorse. she is the emotional friend and tends to get teary-eyed often.


not a condition, but kacey is dyslexic.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does kacela zlata langford practice?


Politics - What politics does kacela zlata langford have?

she supports things like feminism, lgbtqia+ and mental health awareness (liberal-leaning)

Occupation - What is kacela zlata langford’s occupation?

high school student

Favorite colour

blue (all shades, but specifically sky blue)

Favorite food - What is kacela zlata langford’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is kacela zlata langford’s favorite possession?

her tennis racket named judy; she was given it on her 13th birthday and has never used another tennis racket out of school

Favorite weapon - What is kacela zlata langford’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is kacela zlata langford’s favorite animal?

rabbits, because they remind her of herself

Job - What job does kacela zlata langford have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is kacela zlata langford’s birthday?

17th april 2003

Education - What is kacela zlata langford’s level of education?

high school

Background - What is kacela zlata langford’s background?

she was born to a gabonese father and a montenegrin mother, and they live in oregon. she has a younger sibling called j.t. and an older brother called wesley. as the only girl in her family, she feels as if she needs to prove herself because j.t. is a child prodigy and wesley is a successful doctor.
when growing up, her parents made her feel insecure and made her think that it wasn't enough to just do her best, she had to be THE best. this is mainly where her insecurity and eagerness to prove herself stems from.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does kacela zlata langford have?

a jack russell terrier called janko, whom she loves dearly.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

has a (romantic) rivalry with yannika harding, captain of the tennis team who is equally as talented as her
her first name is pronounced "ka-ce-luh", it's of african origin and it means "hunter"

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