info Overview
Name - What is Connor MacPhearson’s full name?

Connor MacPhearson

Other names - What other aliases does Connor MacPhearson go by?

Con - only by some people

Age - How old is Connor MacPhearson?


Gender - What is Connor MacPhearson’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Connor MacPhearson style their hair?

A bit shaggy. Curly

Hair Color - What color is Connor MacPhearson’s hair?


Height - How tall is Connor MacPhearson?


Body Type


Skin Tone

Very pale, some freckles scattered on his face

Race - What is Connor MacPhearson’s race?

Caucasian. Scottish

Eye Color - What is Connor MacPhearson’s eye color?

Light blue

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite color - What is Connor MacPhearson’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Connor MacPhearson’s favorite possession?

A necklace that was once his mother's. He knows it's childish and a little weird, but he wears it anyways, tucked under his clothes

info History
Birthday - When is Connor MacPhearson’s birthday?

June 11

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
whatshot Magic
comment Quotes/Poems/Etc

This character was created by Ice on

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