info Overview
Name - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s full name?

Theadore Jay De Las Flores

Role - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Theadore Jay De Las Flores go by?

"The Gluton" and "The monster that Wanted peace".

Gender - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s gender?


Age - How old is Theadore Jay De Las Flores?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Theadore Jay De Las Flores weigh?


Height - How tall is Theadore Jay De Las Flores?


Hair Color - What color is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s hair?

hair color changer depending on a mixture of season, mental state, and which personality is in control of him.

colors: Pure Black, Silver, WHITE, Scarlet Red, Blond, and Purple

Hair Style - How does Theadore Jay De Las Flores style their hair?

when short it is wavy and when it gets long it becomes very curly wavy and also when wet

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

Cand grow a full-length beard

Eye Color - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s eye color?

shift between Pure Black and bright yellow

Race - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s race?

Unknow But looks like a regular human

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

has a gut
Large and dense muscles

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

He has a birthmark above his left wrist on his forearm and another one on his left shoulder.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

Jay likes to play with hair and other hair a lot. he has ADHD and talks in a well-mannered way but when he's with his closest friends he lets loose and curses a lot and if you get him mad he will lose it.

Motivations - What motivates Theadore Jay De Las Flores most?

Food and his "Family"

Flaws - What flaws does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

Mental instability and extreme episodes of depression as well as a horrible fear of loosing control.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

People who have committed sexual assault and children/animals.

Talents - What talents does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

Jazer has a natural talent for fighting, thinking under pressure, manipulating people to do what he wants, mediation, and can make people open up to him.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

he likes to cook food and make new recipes he also likes eating and sleeping, swimming, dancing, and making music.

Personality type - What personality type is Theadore Jay De Las Flores?

He's too nice to people and always gives them the benefit of the doubt but if he doesn't like you he'll let you know and also has no filter


Depression, mood swings, anxiety, D.I.D., his literal unrelenting hunger, and PTSD

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Theadore Jay De Las Flores practice?


Politics - What politics does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?


Occupation - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s occupation?

Head Master of "The House of Power"

Favorite color - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s favorite food?

all of the spicy ones

Favorite possession - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s favorite possession?

The House of Power

Favorite weapon - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s favorite weapon?

his own hands

Favorite animal - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s favorite animal?

All of them except bugs

Job - What job does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s birthday?

March 13, XXXX, is when woke up and was found so he likes to consider that his date of birth

Education - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s level of education?

has no formal education beyond that of his "high school diploma" but is known to have an IQ of 900 or above

Background - What is Theadore Jay De Las Flores’s background?

Jazer has traveled abroad as long as he can remember but always comes back to his home.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Theadore Jay De Las Flores have?

too many

edit Notes

ease going

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