account_circle Overview
Name - What is James Adrian Slaughter’s full name?

James Adrian Slaughter


James Ai-Dree-Anne Slauh-Ter

Role - What is James Adrian Slaughter’s role in your story?

Kyle's Little Brother

Other names - What other aliases does James Adrian Slaughter go by?


Gender - What is James Adrian Slaughter’s gender?


Age - How old is James Adrian Slaughter?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is James Adrian Slaughter’s eye color?


Weight - How much does James Adrian Slaughter weigh?


Height - How tall is James Adrian Slaughter?


Hair Color - What color is James Adrian Slaughter’s hair?

Platinum Blonde

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does James Adrian Slaughter have?

3 Piercings In His Ear

Hair Style - How does James Adrian Slaughter style their hair?

Right Half Shaved

Facial Hair - What facial hair does James Adrian Slaughter have?


accessibility Outfits
thumbs_up_down Likes & Dislikes

Sweets, Sofie, Lyla, Kyle and for everyone to get along


Arguing, Liars, and Sour foods

sentiment_neutral Personality

Can be very creepy from time to time, and give off an eerie vibe, other times is a total sweetheart, he’s the sweetest around Lyla and Sofie

fingerprint Nature
Languages Spoken

Korean, Japanese, English

Native Language

Korean, Japanese, English

groups Social
pets Pets
shopping_basket Inventory
info History
history Changelog
edit Notes
pan_tool Ability
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked James Adrian Slaughter

Character chevron_right Children link linked James Adrian Slaughter

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