info Overview
Name - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s full name?

Seraphine Tellmont

Gender - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s gender?


Age - How old is Seraphine Tellmont?


Role in Works

Protagonist in Untitled Journey Plot
Background character in Ellanhærd

Role - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Seraphine Tellmont go by?

Lady Tellmont/Lady Seraphine
Fifi (by Sasha)
Fena (by Vash)

face Looks
Race - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s race?

Human; Royal Elloran Group, although it is said that her family is descended from nymphs (she has trace magical ability because of this)

Skin Tone

Pale olive

Body Type

Very lithe, not a lot of muscle, well endowed in the chest. She has a round face shape with large eyes, a small nose, and full lips. Her ears poke out and are slightly large.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Seraphine Tellmont have?

Her unique eye color

Weight - How much does Seraphine Tellmont weigh?

110 lbs

Height - How tall is Seraphine Tellmont?


Hair Color - What color is Seraphine Tellmont’s hair?

Strawberry blonde with a twinge of ginger.

Hair Style - How does Seraphine Tellmont style their hair?

Long and straight, when down it reaches her hips. Often it is kept rolled up and away form her face or intricately braided. On the quest she keeps it in a simple braided pattern (in gallery) and away from her face. She may put glass beads at the bottom of the two braids she wears in the front of her hair.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Seraphine Tellmont have?


Eye Color - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s eye color?

Purple (a trait only shared in the Tellmont family line, though she is the only one of her living siblings to possess this trait).

fingerprint Nature

The death of her brother has sent her into a depression that she is several years into recovering from.

Personality type - What personality type is Seraphine Tellmont?

Seraphine is typically very mild-mannered and curious, with little impulse control and a wild need to learn. She’s not especially talkative but also wouldn’t classify herself as an introvert; she loves her friends and gets along easily with many people, but doesn’t feel a need to contribute to conversations or attract attention very often.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Seraphine Tellmont have?

-Seraphine is greatly intrigued by weaponry and battle, although she is discouraged form studying this by her concerned parents.
-She is an avid collector of many things, ranging form small weapons, to quills, to leaves.
-She enjoys watching jousts and gauntlet fights, and much to the dismay of the her family, will travel all over the kingdom to support her favorite knights (mostly Sasha and Verillian).

Talents - What talents does Seraphine Tellmont have?

-Seraphine has an intellect to challenge the best, and a great capacity for memorization.
-She speaks many languages (she makes a point to be able to speak at least one language from every race), and communication comes as a second nature to her.
-She is skilled on horseback.

Flaws - What flaws does Seraphine Tellmont have?

She can be combative and extremely self-defensive when intellectually challenged, doesn’t take criticism very warmly. She also has very little sense of commitment, which leads to her after times wandering off or showing little concern for her companion’s interests.

Motivations - What motivates Seraphine Tellmont most?

Seraphine actually struggles a lot with motivation; her depression has take a toll on her ability to want to do much of anything. Despite this, she has a small desire to improve herself, since she has seen how happy it makes her friends and family to see her doing well. That is, ultimately, the closest thing she has to motivation currently; she wants to make those around her happy and not make them worry for her anymore.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Seraphine Tellmont practice?

None, not important to the story

Politics - What politics does Seraphine Tellmont have?

She is dedicated to the crown of Ibrelas (being a member of it) and typically agrees with her father's laws. She would probably align closest to lawful good since she does closely follow the rules and has generally altruistic intentions.

Occupation - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s occupation?

Princess of Ibrelas; in her spare time she helps out in the royal library and has been unofficially promoted to assistant scroll-keeper.

Favorite color - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s favorite color?

Purple; it is her family and kingdom's royal color.

Favorite possession - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s favorite possession?

Her neckerchief; her relationship with it is slightly complicated, though. It was originally part of a dress gifted to her by Wyndam Tellmont and she keeps it with her as a constant reminder of him, but it also serves as a sort of self-punishment because of the guilt she feels for his death.

Favorite weapon - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s favorite weapon?

Knives; knives and daggers were the only types of weapons that Seraphine's parents allowed her to own, much to her chagrin as a young teenager, but that makes them the weapon she is the most comfortable using in most situations.

Favorite animal - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

date_range History
Background - What is Seraphine Tellmont’s background?

Seraphine is the youngest of the five Tellmont siblings (Wyndam, Apolline, Mariona, Vash, and Seraphine) and therefore the last in the direct line of succession to the throne. Because of her lack of duty as heiress, she was awarded significantly more freedom than her other siblings in regards to exploring the country and discovering her own passions. She spent a lot of time as a child spying on the knights during their training hours and spent many hours sneaking into the armory to get a closer look at the many weapons they used. She was discovered doing this at 10 years old when a poorly secured battle axe fell on her and badly cutting her arm. She was promptly put under the watchful guidance of various tutors and thrust into more academic pursuits.
One of her tutors, a historian and former knight named Verillian, would secretly allow her to study weaponry, for which she grew a quick fascination. At fourteen she set off with Verillian (who had become somewhat of a father figure to her) on a journey throughout her kingdom and several surrounding areas to study and collect the various local arms and armor existing there.
She came home a year later and was told of her eldest brother, Wyndam's passing from illness and Apolline's instatement as crown-princess. Wracked with guilt of her absence and inability to tell her brother goodbye, Seraphine became somewhat of a recluse, confining herself to the library and her chambers.
It is in this state that she met Sasha, one of the young squires training for the Royal Guard. He made it his personal goal to see Seraphine out of her reclusive state and was awarded the status of Personal Guard to the princess as soon as he was officially knighted at 18 years old.
A year later sees the beginning of the plot.

Birthday - When is Seraphine Tellmont’s birthday?

Mid December

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Seraphine Tellmont have?

Her horse, Léofa.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-Her family lives in the capital city of Wystone, a coastal city surrounded by rocky shores and sharp cliffs.
-Here's a link to her family tree (you'll have to copy and paste it into the URL box):

loyalty Clothing
flare Magical Abilities
wc Relationships
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Seraphine Tellmont

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Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Seraphine Tellmont

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Seraphine Tellmont

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