info Overview
Name - What is Leysuni Asha’s full name?

Leysuni Asha

Gender - What is Leysuni Asha’s gender?


Age - How old is Leysuni Asha?

57 Earth years

Description - Describe Leysuni Asha.

Leysuni is the current ruler of the Asha chain of planets. When her parents became too old to rule reliably, Leysuni was chosen to become the new leader.

She holds many grandiose parties with the rich of her society, though it hardly makes up for her lack of competency.

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
flash_on Abilities
date_range History
groups Social
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Leysuni Asha

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Leysuni Asha

Location chevron_right Inhabitants link linked Leysuni Asha

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