info Overview
Name - What is Mars Juxta’s full name?

Mars Juxta

Gender - What is Mars Juxta’s gender?

Fluid, leaning male

Other names - What other aliases does Mars Juxta go by?

Mind-Altering Relocatable Sentience

Role - What is Mars Juxta’s role in your story?

Voices Union operative, viral AI

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Mars Juxta’s eye color?

Blue, dark blue slit pupils

Weight - How much does Mars Juxta weigh?


Height - How tall is Mars Juxta?


Hair Color - What color is Mars Juxta’s hair?

Low-saturation blue

Hair Style - How does Mars Juxta style their hair?

Bangs, just under chin (when present)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mars Juxta have?

"Beard" fur

Race - What is Mars Juxta’s race?

Viral AI, tiger furry

Skin Tone

White fur, blue stripes

Body Type

Mesomorph, oversized arms and hands

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mars Juxta have?

Eye stripes

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Mars Juxta have?

Fighting, competing

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mars Juxta have?

Hard blinking, toothy grins/snarls

Motivations - What motivates Mars Juxta most?


Flaws - What flaws does Mars Juxta have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Mars Juxta have?

People who aren't winners are uncool/losers

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Mars Juxta’s favorite weapon?

Boots of Asskicking/Gauntlets of Facepunching

Favorite animal - What is Mars Juxta’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Mars Juxta’s favorite color?

Electric blue

Favorite food - What is Mars Juxta’s favorite food?

Gamer tears

info History
Birthday - When is Mars Juxta’s birthday?

June 5

group Voices Union Databank
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Mars Juxta

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mars Juxta

Group chevron_right Members link linked Mars Juxta

This character was created by Urby on

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