info Overview
Name - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s full name?

K'ash Jeraldo

Age - How old is K'ash Jeraldo?

~30 human years, aging paused

Gender - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does K'ash Jeraldo go by?

Veit, Zero

Role - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s role in your story?

Voices Union operative

face Looks
Eye Color - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s eye color?


Weight - How much does K'ash Jeraldo weigh?

260 lbs

Height - How tall is K'ash Jeraldo?


Hair Color - What color is K'ash Jeraldo’s hair?


Hair Style - How does K'ash Jeraldo style their hair?

Mid-length (runs down neck), messy. Bangs part around horn. The main body of hair falls around both of his ears - hair under his ear area is very short and tends to be covered up by his ears.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does K'ash Jeraldo have?


Race - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s race?

Star Dragon

Skin Tone

Unsaturated blue

Body Type

Bipedal, wingless. Dexterous, but not prehensile, mid-length tail.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does K'ash Jeraldo have?

Stripes below eyes
Primary colors: Black, blue

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does K'ash Jeraldo have?

Psychic empathy

Personality type - What personality type is K'ash Jeraldo?

Straightforward, hard-working, dependable. Laid-back and casual around people he knows well. Can be stern in a pinch.

Hobbies - What hobbies does K'ash Jeraldo have?

Listening to music, observing

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does K'ash Jeraldo have?

Scratching the area around the base of his horn as a stim
Emotes with ears

Motivations - What motivates K'ash Jeraldo most?

Understanding others, helping others reach understandings of each other

Prejudices - What prejudices does K'ash Jeraldo have?

Kneejerk violent thoughts in reaction to seeing bullies

groups Social
Job - What job does K'ash Jeraldo have?
Favorite weapon - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s favorite weapon?

2-handed spear

Favorite animal - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s favorite food?

Furikake onigiri

Favorite possession - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s favorite possession?

Analog journal

info History
Birthday - When is K'ash Jeraldo’s birthday?

May 22

Education - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s level of education?

? University thesis student (Academy of Magitech Talents, as Veit)

Background - What is K'ash Jeraldo’s background?

Adopted Star Dragon - was unhinged from original universe
?Took a Voices Union mission to Finality's universe as Veit

group Voices Union Databank
Alternate forms

Veit (?)
Various humans, as "Zero"


Dark eyes, black hair
Stripes below eyes or dark eye sacs.
Primary colors: Black, blue

history Changelog
edit Notes


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