info Overview
Name - What is Nim Tredic’s full name?

Nim Tredic

Role - What is Nim Tredic’s role in your story?

Secondary Character

Other names - What other aliases does Nim Tredic go by?

Ninya Tredic

Gender - What is Nim Tredic’s gender?

Trans male

Age - How old is Nim Tredic?




face Looks
Weight - How much does Nim Tredic weigh?

135 lbs

Height - How tall is Nim Tredic?


Hair Color - What color is Nim Tredic’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Nim Tredic style their hair?

Short, curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nim Tredic have?


Eye Color - What is Nim Tredic’s eye color?

China blue

Race - What is Nim Tredic’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nim Tredic have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nim Tredic have?

Outwardly sweet and outgoing, there is some anger and resentment bubbling underneath.
It's worth noting that he was socialized as a female royal which probably has some effect but I haven't quite worked out what

Motivations - What motivates Nim Tredic most?

-he's very motivated by fear, fear of Thenites, fear of being found, outed
-the need to be himself
-escaping the country where he can start over

Flaws - What flaws does Nim Tredic have?

Kinda petty, tries to hide a lot about himself, very short temper

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nim Tredic have?

Thenites (which like fair but he treats Rothos Liwier very badly for so long after he leaves them and states many times that his loyalties lie else where)

Talents - What talents does Nim Tredic have?

Music, calligraphy

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Nim Tredic practice?


Politics - What politics does Nim Tredic have?

he hates his family but still supports their rule of Jelka

Occupation - What is Nim Tredic’s occupation?

thief, rogue

Favorite color - What is Nim Tredic’s favorite color?

Teal and Maroon

date_range History
Birthday - When is Nim Tredic’s birthday?

November 17th

Education - What is Nim Tredic’s level of education?

highly highly educated, as he was a member of the royal family.


Born female, he realized he was a boy around age 8, even though he was always a " "tom boy" his family started supressing his gender expression around age 13 when they need to start getting people ready for marriage. He ran away two weeks before the wedding and started dressing and presenting exclusivley male for the first time. He met Tavi about 6 months into his travels and they became besties

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Avery G on

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