info Overview
Name - What is Zara Brada’s full name?

Zara Brada

Role - What is Zara Brada’s role in your story?

Queen of Ishia

Gender - What is Zara Brada’s gender?


Age - How old is Zara Brada?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Zara Brada?


Weight - How much does Zara Brada weigh?

178 pounds

Race - What is Zara Brada’s race?

Hill Dwarf

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Zara Brada’s birthday?

January 28th, 1422

Background - What is Zara Brada’s background?

Though she was born to the dwarven capitol city of Halberton, Zara quickly moved to Bellmore as soon as she was in her teens and able to do so. She found the concept of racially divided lands to be quite silly, and wanted to go to the one land that was not so restricted so she could interact with others. Though several years his elder she also met Kian Brada at that time, for he was quickly making a name for himself upon her arrival in the city. She hooked up with him and helped him greatly, offering her worldly knowledge to him as much as possible which was a good part of his fame after that point.

When Kian was asked to be the next King by the current rulers who had no children of their own, Zara wasn't sure what would happen. She would not blame Kian if he thought her to be below him at that point, but instead he asked for her hand in marriage. They had so many plans, and many of them would be infinitely easier with his newfound power and he wanted to continue with that as well as the bedroom based relationship that had been cultivated over the past few years between them. Zara said yes without hesitation, and has ruled at Kian's side ever since. Some think she may have been party to the demise of the former King and Queen a year after she married Kian, but as there was no investigation and no one can prove it there's only rumor and speculation.

device_hub Family
edit Notes


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