info Overview
Name - What is Kian Brada’s full name?

Kian Brada

Role - What is Kian Brada’s role in your story?

King of Ishia

Gender - What is Kian Brada’s gender?


Age - How old is Kian Brada?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Kian Brada?


Weight - How much does Kian Brada weigh?

160 pounds

Race - What is Kian Brada’s race?


Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Kian Brada’s birthday?

October 18th, 1429

Background - What is Kian Brada’s background?

Kian was born little more than a street urchin in the streets of Bellmore, but he decided he did not want that life for himself so he fought tooth and nail to rise to the top. By his teens he had made quite a name for himself and accumulated wealth through simple hard work, and it was enough to draw the attention of the King and Queen of Bellmore. After meeting with them, he saw why; they had no children of their own as they were a dwarf and an elf respectively and found it difficult to have a child between them. As they were aging and finding they could no longer connect with their people and were perhaps too stuck in the ways of their youth, it was time to step down and they needed someone to replace them. Kian seemed just the fit, for he knew what it was like to be on the streets of the city and how to treat those who were not as fortunate as he.

At the age of 18 Kian was declared King of Ishia, though the former King and Queen stayed on to advise him in the ways of politics and the like. A year later he married Zara, a dwarven woman he'd been sleeping with for a few years since they were both of age to do so, and a year after that the previous King and Queen died. Some speculated that they had many years ahead of them, especially the elven Queen, and their deaths were the result of foul play but there would be no investigation into the matter and it was dismissed as simply an accident.

Kian and Zara have been ruling Bellmore and Ishia peacefully since and little has changed, but some suspect there are much larger plans at work behind the scenes...

device_hub Family
edit Notes


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Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Kian Brada

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