info Overview
Name - What is Emilia Gianni ’s full name?

Emilia Gianni

Role - What is Emilia Gianni ’s role in your story?

A young woman who suddenly gained magical abilities after wishing on a shooting star. Her new powers are only a bonus to her since the main wish came true—having a friend to call her own.

Other names - What other aliases does Emilia Gianni go by?

Dimensional Black Queen, Titania
This is her magical girl name.

Gender - What is Emilia Gianni ’s gender?


Age - How old is Emilia Gianni ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Emilia Gianni weigh?

134 lbs

Height - How tall is Emilia Gianni ?


Hair Color - What color is Emilia Gianni ’s hair?

Her hair as a human is a rich marmalade color.

When she transforms, her hair becomes white. The tips of her hair are cool colored.

Hair Style - How does Emilia Gianni style their hair?

Her hair is curly, fluffy and thick, ending right above her shoulder blades. Her bands are parted to the left and she wears two stringy green ribbons on each side of her head. It’ll be hard to run your fingers through it.

When she transforms, her hair is adorned ribbons shaped like iridescent butterfly wings, their main color being a dark purple -gray. The strings from a double helix, and the ends having gold and obsidian charms at the end.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Emilia Gianni have?


Eye Color - What is Emilia Gianni ’s eye color?

Leaf green.

Race - What is Emilia Gianni ’s race?


Skin Tone

Medium tan.

Body Type


Theme: Butterfly+Space

As a human, Emilia wears a simple white dress that exposes her shoulders. A short muted green apron is tied around her waist.

When transformed, her palette takes a more colorful turn. She wears a one piece, wear her chest is decently covered by a butterfly. Under it is a bra that is both hooked in the front and tied in the back. Her lower section is shaped like female underwear and is adorned with black lace . Two stringy ribbons are attached to where her legs come out. Her midsection seem to be covered in mesh, with has ruffles going down it.

She also wears a black thorn choker.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Emilia Gianni have?

When transformed, her legs become blackened. Random marks come up her legs, but it’s only part of her transformation. They also appear to have stars on them.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Emilia Gianni have?

When distressed or thinking, she hugs herself.

She looks elsewhere when nervous/uncomfortable.

She doesn’t really like to cry, but she’s like someone there to sit with her when she is.

Eye contact makes her heart skip out of nervousness. It’ll also make her blush, but she won’t break it. Her hands also get clammy.

When in anticipation, she licks her lips.

Any mention of her hair causes her to try and smooth it down.

Motivations - What motivates Emilia Gianni most?

Her new friend, Melodias. He doesn’t have much memory with him, and thinking that her wish came true, she didn’t want to leave him alone.

Flaws - What flaws does Emilia Gianni have?

Fighting or any form of confrontation scares her to no end. She will run away from any battle and often hide behind her parasol for protection. However, she does have a limit, which causes her to lash out.

Doesn’t really work well under pressure.

After becoming a magical girl, she’s grown a little more confident in herself since she has power to back herself up. However, she also depends on this power as an excuse as to why she’s grown more sure of her actions. She gained an identity with this power she’s acquired, albeit a secret one.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Emilia Gianni have?

The feeling that everyone in the world will try to hurt her. She’s quick to judge others if Melodias feels offput by them.

She feels that Emilia is significantly inferior to Titania . If someone learns her actual identity, she WILL have a teenage crisis. On a more serious note, she wouldn’t really understand why anyone would want Emilia over Titania.

Talents - What talents does Emilia Gianni have?

She’s great at navigating with/without a map.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Emilia Gianni have?

Emilia loves baking. She’s decent at it, but putting on designs and making everything look nice is what she really excels at.


Personality type - What personality type is Emilia Gianni ?


Imaginative • Selfless • Opinionated • Stubborn • Humble • Observant• Polite • Lonely • Passive • Naive

Emilia is a kind, but compliant young woman. Given that she was alienated and unintentionally neglected, she’s grown closed off from her family and others. She’s often described as flat or a yes man in terms of personality, making her unable to make any decent friends given her lack of individuality. She believed this, belittling her interests and talents and focusing more on her flaws in order to correct herself. She’s attracted to helping others, which often makes her a lapdog to some.

However, deep down, she’s a passionate individual with strong ideals. She just lacks the courage to voice them.


Emilia’s powers are centered around light, bubbles, mirrors, and visions.

When used for offense, the her light magic can take the form of a sphere-like object that can be ejected at the opponent or as a beam that can be blasted. This can also be the same for her bubbles. She can also make copies of herself.

For defense, her parasol is her go to. However this leaves her defenseless in the direction she’s not facing.

She can commute with her bubbles as well. She can simply step inside one and float off.

For vision, she’s able to gaze into her bubbles and other reflective surfaces to observe farther distances. She can also uses this to travel and communicate.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Emilia Gianni practice?

She was a part of the Roman Catholic faith, her parents being very strict and old school about it.

Politics - What politics does Emilia Gianni have?

Emilia doesn’t really pay attention to politics.

Occupation - What is Emilia Gianni ’s occupation?

Emilia’s currently working part time at a bakery. The nice old lady who gave her the job often allows Emilia to stay over for however long she’d like.

However, after becoming a magical girl, she’s tasked with locating Melodias’s missing scales in other dimensions.

Favorite color - What is Emilia Gianni ’s favorite color?

She loves how iridescent Melodias’s scales are. The colors given off are incredibly mesmerizing.

Favorite food - What is Emilia Gianni ’s favorite food?

Melodias’s once gave her a candy he affectionately called Star Pieces. The taste is almost indescribable, but in a good way. Melodias describes them to taste like a fluffy daydream, but Emilia thinks they taste like lemon cake.

Favorite possession - What is Emilia Gianni ’s favorite possession?

Her green ribbons. These were her first attempt at making an identity for herself, given to her by the old woman she works for.

Favorite weapon - What is Emilia Gianni ’s favorite weapon?

She likes her magical weapon. By mixing in the safety that an umbrella provided her and her fondness of bubbles, she likes her weapon. Melodias has given it the name, Skuld .

Favorite animal - What is Emilia Gianni ’s favorite animal?

She likes butterflies and jellyfish.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Emilia Gianni ’s birthday?

August 31, 2002.

Education - What is Emilia Gianni ’s level of education?

She’s currently finishing her third year of high school.

Background - What is Emilia Gianni ’s background?

Emilia’s life has been a Cinderella story almost. Her mother remarried to a man and his children, making Emilia the middle child at the age of 9. While her mother was incredibly sweet to Emilia, she often worked a lot so her time was often taken up. Leaving her to her two step siblings and a very controlling father, she faced verbal abuse and ultimately, alienating Emilia. Despite this, she still tried to approach them. Her stepdad would often ignore Emilia voicing her problems seeing that he spent most of the time being sour about his last marriage. He also alienates Emilia, making her the stereotypical middle child.
Her life in high school was mediocre, often having some bullies and some friends. They both come and go, but she only made her first friend during the night that a shooting star happened to pass. She encountered Melodias after a strange dream woke her up.

Her first transformation happened randomly, taking her and Melodias by surprise. Melodias expresses joy with this, putting some of Emilia’s stress at ease.

While sleeping she gets to meet another girl who always asks to play with her. She indulges her, feeling the joy of being a child again. She sometimes confides in her with her problems, and the girl listens.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Emilia Gianni have?

Melodias isn’t really a pet, but he does like the affection he gets that human pets receive.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She’s a passionate, hopeless romantic. This is only expressed to the girl who she sends time with in her dreams, Melodias, and the old lady she works for.

She can be somewhat of a perfectionist.

Her favorite time of day is dusk. She likes watching the sunset.

Her favorite flowers are lilies and forget-me-nots.

She’s always smelling like sweetbread.

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This character was created by Destinee on

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