info Overview
Name - What is Bean’s full name?


Role - What is Bean’s role in your story?

A young witch of tender age and an innocent demeanor, who doesn’t realize how important she actually is. She’s got little to no life experience, but she’s always eager to learn whatever she can. Has lived a lonely life before moving into a coven and adopting the people there as a family. Serves as a host for one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Famine, who’s been with her since birth.

Other names - What other aliases does Bean go by?


My Lady

Laurel Jr.
Little Princess

Gender - What is Bean’s gender?


Age - How old is Bean?

10 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Bean weigh?

57 lbs

Height - How tall is Bean?


Hair Color - What color is Bean’s hair?

Ashen brown-pink.

Hair Style - How does Bean style their hair?

Short, curly. It’s also very thick, a trait she gets from her father.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Bean have?


Eye Color - What is Bean’s eye color?

Sectoral heterochromia, a trait she inherited from her father. Bean’s eye color is a lilac that gradients into light blue from the top down.

Race - What is Bean’s race?

Half breed.
Witch - ????

Skin Tone


Body Type


Has noticeable baby fat in her cheeks.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bean have?

A rune of Famine is placed on Bean’s stomach. It glows when tapping into the powers that Hungersnot grants her, but is invisible when not in use.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Bean have?

Like most children, Bean will pout if she’s frustrated or in a bad mood.

Bean loves to sing songs to past the time. She’s always humming a tune to herself whenever it’s really dull.

She has a proper posture , hinting to her upbringing.

Bean is a very wild sleeper, just like her mother.

Bean’s a little shy around strangers, so she’ll hide behind a familiar person if they’re close. However, if given a smile and some reassurance, she’ll return to her normal bubbly self in no time. She’ll even go as far to hanging off the stranger and asking them to play with her sometime.

People adopted as family receive titles as such. People closer to her age gain a sibling title. People around Laurel’s age get an aunt/uncle title. People who exceed that get a grandparent title.

She looks down when upset.

She has a tendency to giggle a lot.

Her voice clear, high pitched, energetic, basically a child’s voice . However, just like her ability to properly control her powers, it’s kind of tremulous due to her mega positive attitude. If anything, it’ll put the imagine of a baby animal inside your head . She talks kind of fast, and has an occasional slight lisp with her “r’s” and “w’s”, accidenlly pronouncing one thing wrong before stumbling over her words and saying the sentence over. It’s pleasant, too, instantly putting the feeling of home or friendship in your heart.

Motivations - What motivates Bean most?

She’s motivated by the chance to see her mother again. She was told “ If you’re a good girl, then you will eventually be rewarded.” It’s her dream to see her mother and reconnect with the family she’s lost.

She’s motivated by praise. It makes her happy. She’ll go out of her way to do favors and errands, wishing to be praised in return. She also does this to set a good example for the youngest of her adoptive family and to appear more mature.

Candy. Just.....candy.

Flaws - What flaws does Bean have?

It’s rare, but Bean is prone to having tantrums and absolutely hates being left alone due to the “mysterious” disappearance of her parents and other family members. Instead of getting angry and stomping her feet, she’s prone to crying in an instant.

She has a tendency to become too trusting of others. She does learn to be more wary, but ultimately, she will trust people who have wronged her in the past. She’s incapable of holding a grudge.

She's a little too hard on herself.

She’ll get a little bratty if she was promised a reward and hasn’t received it yet. Her mother shared this same trait.

She wears her heart out on her sleeve, but at the same time, harbors insecurities about being unwanted that she refuses to talk about.

She’s a glutton.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Bean have?

First impressions are important. Bean makes sure to be on her very Best behavior when meeting people for the first time, even if she doesn't like them very much.

Talents - What talents does Bean have?

Bean’s talented at alchemy. Her maternal grandmother had taught her some aspects of the field, so Bean naturally picked up on it. She can’t really understand all the big words or fancy pictures, so she has a little diary in which she translates the text into. It’s easier for her to understand that way.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Bean have?

Bean loves to draw, even though she isn’t very good at it.

She also likes to taste test Wiley’s ( her adoptive parental figure) cooking if he ever offers the chance to. She wants to be able to cook just like him when she’s older.

She likes puzzles. She may not always complete them, though.

Personality type - What personality type is Bean?


Playful • Sympathetic • Naive • Lonely • Plucky

True to her appearance, she is childish and naïve. She has an innocent and cheerful personality, one that has never seen drastic danger due to a heavily sheltered and protected life. She is very active and almost never stands still due to the fact that she loves to meet and play with others. Fun-loving, carefree, and playful to a fault, Bean often focuses on playing and having fun, rather than danger, sometimes with her games being the cause of the problem since she loves to add magic into her playtime.

She's almost always seen with a smile and loves anyone close to her dearly.

She tries her best to never upset anyone intentionally, but will still cry if they’re angry or she thinks they’re angry at her for something she did unintentionally.


Bean’s magic hasn’t been centered around anything yet, but it is very powerful.

She can perform minor spells with ease,but her powers remain out of control and temperamental .

Despite this, she’s quite the accomplished healer.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Bean practice?

Bean doesn’t practice any religion. However, she is respectful of them and obeys whats she’s told to do if exposed to their rules and customs.

Politics - What politics does Bean have?

Bean doesn’t have any political views aside from wanting everyone to be happy.

Occupation - What is Bean’s occupation?

None. Bean’s schooling was taken care of by magician scholars of her previous home, but has been taken over by Hungersnot.

Favorite color - What is Bean’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Bean’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Bean’s favorite possession?

A miniature stuffed yellow bear.

Favorite weapon - What is Bean’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Bean’s favorite animal?

Mythical creatures, preferably the unicorn.

Job - What job does Bean have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Bean’s birthday?

March 12 ( Pisces )

Education - What is Bean’s level of education?

Bean’s educational level is that of a fourth grader.

Background - What is Bean’s background?

Bean was born into a coven , her mother being the daughter of the head of that coven. Bean’s treatment there was normal with a magical twist of course. She was loved by all and loved back tenfold. At the age of six, Bean’s mother has disappeared, which also prompted her to become attached to Hungersnot and her father more. The disappearance of her mother wasn’t fully explained, so Bean believes that she’ll just come back if she’s behaved herself. Things seemed to head downhill after the disappearance of her father. After his disappearance, the people of the coven had all been affected by a curse brought on by Hungersnot, which trapped them in a limbo state, save for Bean and a family friend, Kamui. Laurel had been blamed for the curse, but again, Bean believed that he would come back if she was good.
For three years, she had stayed with Kamui, who had grown increasingly possessive and obsessive with her, which was also a part of the curse. He prevented her from going outside, communicating with others, basically hiding her away from the world until he had fixed the “mistake” . Bean had enough of the suffocating treatment and snuck out one time, meeting a man that looked just like her father. She was unfortunately caught by Kamui, brought back home and hidden away again.

There was only one time where she had been hit. An argument, when Bean showed defiance towards Kamui and his relationship with her. Kamui had argued that Bean’s parents where gone and that they only had each other. This angered Bean, causing her to retort that she didn’t need him, only her real family. Her real mother and her real father. It ended in him slapping her out of anger, but immediately regretted it as soon as she started to cry.

The day before her ninth birthday, Bean planned an escape. She appeared before Kamui and asked him to play a game of Hide-and-Seek. He ultimately agreed, which gave Bean a window of opportunity. With the assistant of Hungersnot, she escaped. Hungersnot took Bean to a coven which he sensed a profound amount of magical energy, one that could mask Bean’s completely if she repressed it.

device_hub Family

A small girl about her age named Paula Beaufort.

A witchdoctor personifying the very essence of Spring, Mama Yaga.

A personification of the season Winter, Gladys .

A young apothecary that like to grow poisonous plants and dabble in illusionary magic, *.

The older sister of *, *.

A weak boy confined to a wheelchair, *.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Bean's real name is Anthiese Briar Rose. Bean was just a nickname given to her by her father, derived from her small stature.

Bean’s least favorite foods are beans and cabbage. However, she’ll eat jelly beans since she loves candy.

Bean’s favorite time of day is the morning.

Bean’s arcana match would be The Sun.

Even after all she’s been through, Bean does not hate her Uncle Kamui. She wishes for him to become a part of her family.

Bean’s rather short for her age.

Bean smells like sweet grass and warm sugar. However, to a more acute nose, Bean smells of Death.

Character chevron_right Niece link linked Bean

This character was created by Destinee on

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