info Overview
Name - What is Kunz’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Kunz go by?

Evileye, The One Above All, God of Time

Role - What is Kunz’s role in your story?

Kunz is the ruler of the Kunz Universe, and often calls herself "the god of time". She rarely appears in any comics of the Universe, and is only shown as a spectator.
The only exception is "Resurrection Flowers", where she has the role of the main "villain", who tries to stop the main characters from essentially breaking the laws of the Universe.

Age - How old is Kunz?

She's as old as her domain, the Kunz Universe.

Gender - What is Kunz’s gender?

While not having any defined sex, she considers herself to be female.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kunz have?

None, but she can grow herself some by will.

Hair Style - How does Kunz style their hair?

Kunz's iconic hair style is her spiky hair in the shape of wings on her sides, that is also often associated with crystals.

Hair Color - What color is Kunz’s hair?

Her hair is white, just like the rest of her body, but turns black when in Cronus form.

Height - How tall is Kunz?

Her height varies and can change on her will. However she often prefers to be extremely tall, 100 meters on average, most likely because of lack of self-esteem.

Weight - How much does Kunz weigh?

She's usually weightless, since she is just a physical manifestation of her force. She can make an illusion of her manifestation having weight though.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kunz have?

Her mostly white body, her bright pink left eye and the square-shaped hole in her chest, left from giving her partner, Hidden, a physical form.

Body Type

Looks to have an ectomorph body type.

Skin Tone

Her skin is pure white, however it turns into a charred black when she transforms into her "Cronus" form.

Race - What is Kunz’s race?

She doesn't have a race, since she is a god.

Eye Color - What is Kunz’s eye color?

Her sclerae and irises are bright pink(but this can change depending on the mood/will)and her pupils are white. The inner circular muscles in her irises are light pink, which makes her eyes look like evil eyes and nazars, hence one of her other names.
When in Cronus form, her eyes become white, her pupils & irises outlined black.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Kunz most?

Kunz's motivations on keeping her universe up and running is to see what happens next. She often messes around with people in it to see what can happen, and almost always uses rewinding and fast-forwarding as a way to undo something or to fasten the process she's spectating. Unfortunately that often leads to her being too harsh to herself when she looks back in retrospect.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kunz have?

Kunz tends to finger snap whenever somebody agrees with her on something, figures out her intentions behind something, or when she likes something in general.

Flaws - What flaws does Kunz have?

Kunz is a very ignorant character. She does not care for lives of her creations and only cares about the outcomes of her actions on them. That's why she caused suffering of many living beings because of her curiosity and possibly, sadism.

Her low self-esteem leads to many problems of hers, ranging from self-loathing to faking a personality for validation.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kunz have?

She has a prejudice against her partner, Hidden, thinking she is just a blank slate with no emotions whatsoever, which in her opinion makes her bad as a deity - that's why she does not trust her as much when it comes to more "personal" subjects.

She thinks of beings not made by her as low and degenerate, and only uses them for her experiments, but tries to mask it as "blessings" so she wouldn't be hated by the majority.

Talents - What talents does Kunz have?

She is pretty much talented at everything, but rarely uses even a percent of all talents she has.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kunz have?

Kunz has a "hobby" of creating. She occasionally creates entities (galaxies, solar systems, planets, etc.) when she's inspired. If she's satisfied with the results, she will cherish her creations, but if not, then she will either abandon the creations or worse, destroy them.

She sometimes has times when she can not come up with anything interesting or intriguing to create, so she will enter a period of crisis, where she will feel extremely disappointed in herself as a creator.

Personality type - What personality type is Kunz?

Kunz either tries to act calm and collected, but it's only for intimidation and showing off, or she will try to pull off a rockstar personality so she will get worshipped more, or become more liked amongst her vassals.

But behind all that, Kunz is actually very unsure of herself and has some big problems with her self-esteem and insecurities, which leads to her faking certain personality types for getting validation, which can lead to some awkward results when her secret is revealed. What is sad is the fact that Kunz does not even try to better herself, thinking that if things go way worse than expected, she'd just rewind the events, even if according to her partner, it is "breaking the laws of the Universe." She often tries to get away from such thoughts, since according to her, "it does not let her spend the most of the eternity that she will be spending in her Universe."

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Kunz’s favorite food?

She doesn't have any, she does not need to eat at all.

Favorite animal - What is Kunz’s favorite animal?

She doesn't really have any.

Favorite weapon - What is Kunz’s favorite weapon?

Her flail/clock mix. She loves using it when destroying unlikable creations.

Favorite possession - What is Kunz’s favorite possession?

Her "works of art", or creations made by her personally. She loves almost all of them for how they show her power and experience in world-building, except for those that didn't turn out as well, but most of them are long forgotten and/or destroyed.

Favorite color - What is Kunz’s favorite color?

Bright pink.

Occupation - What is Kunz’s occupation?

Well, a god.

Politics - What politics does Kunz have?


Religion - What religion does Kunz practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Kunz’s birthday?

The day her universe came to life, which is unknown, but is speculated to be around 13-17 billion years.

Background - What is Kunz’s background?

Kunz is a god that came to life ever since her Universe became a thing.
She lived a seemingly lonely life for millions of years, until she spotted Hidden's presence.
Ever since Hidden was discovered, Kunz got more and more apprehensive towards herself while trying to act like the greatest person ever for her vassals, but it got even worse after a certain event.

About 4 billion years after the birth of the Universe, Kunz met a mortal who would later be turned into a god and named Libitina. Kunz and Libitina spent lots of time with each other, which concerned Hidden a bit, and later on her concerns turned out to be true - Libitina used Kunz as a way to cope with her extreme self-loathing while guilt-tripping her mortal acquaintances, which led to Kunz destroying them. Libitina would make Kunz feel guilty for not spending time with her and spending time with Hidden instead, and threatened to end her existence once and for all, which eventually made Kunz have similar problems to Libitina. Libitina's possessiveness and one shenanigan she did in order to try and get rid of Hidden are what drove Kunz to "erasing" Libitina.

Later on, Kunz got reminded of Libitina and was filled with rage because of past events. Those reminders led to Kunz finding out about Libitina's existence, and despite the latter never being able to harm anyone again because of how much damage has been done to her during her initial "erasure", Kunz tried to permanently terminate Libitina, but got stopped Hidden because the latter convinced Kunz that it was not worth it at all, and that Kunz is just kicking a dead horse at this point.

Kunz also used to be very obsessed with Hidden once. She started doing things in order to please her, but Hidden didn't really respond, and Kunz got progressively more angry and disappointed with herself and her partner, until she started having breakdowns from the stress she was getting from not being able to feel validated by her friend. Hidden noticed Kunz's unusual behavior, and talked to her about this, which led to Kunz becoming less and less obsessed with Hidden, until she returned back to her normal state.

Education - What is Kunz’s level of education?

She's an entity that has existed for billions of years, of course she would know almost everything about the Universe.

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edit Notes

Kunz is supposed to represent myself when used outside of the Kunz Universe, so don't think that I'm RPing or some shit.

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This character was created by Kunzkunz on

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