info Overview
Name - What is Hidden’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Hidden go by?

A blank slate. Literally, that's it. And Kunz's the only one to call her that.

Role - What is Hidden’s role in your story?

Hidden is the God of Space, and the partner of Kunz, the God of Time.
Hidden doesn't play any role in most of the web-comics, apart from "Resurrection Flowers", where she's an antagonist who sends off Kunz to stop the main characters from reversing time itself, since it messes with the order of the Universe.

Age - How old is Hidden?

Just as old as the Kunz Universe.

Gender - What is Hidden’s gender?

Hidden doesn't really have a gender or sex, but Kunz refers to it as female.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Hidden have?

She doesn't have any facial hair neither in her actual form nor the religious depictions.

Hair Style - How does Hidden style their hair?

Hidden does not have any hair, however religious depictions of her show her with straight hair that goes upwards and looks like a helmet.

Hair Color - What color is Hidden’s hair?

(In religious depictions)Hidden has light green hair.

Height - How tall is Hidden?

Hidden doesn't have an exact height, but looks to be the same size as Kunz's hand.

Weight - How much does Hidden weigh?

Her physical representation is weightless.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Hidden have?

Her body in a shape of hand (which is similar to Hamsa.)

Body Type

She doesn't have a defined body type, since her entire body is a hand.

Skin Tone

Her "skin" is green with bright-green tips on her fingers.

Race - What is Hidden’s race?

Hidden does not have a defined race.

Eye Color - What is Hidden’s eye color?

Her eye color is seafoam green, with a white ring of reflected light in the center.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Hidden most?

Hidden rules over her universe because she thinks it's her duty, short and simple.
After noticing her power of controlling space, she started thinking of it as a responsibility to use it to control the Order of the Universe.

Flaws - What flaws does Hidden have?

Hidden is extremely ignorant to her beings' wishes, since she only does what is needed of her in global terms (keeping track of the objects that may possibly break the Order, and all the space in her Universe).
She doesn't care about life and just does what she thinks is necessary.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Hidden have?

Hidden thinks of her partner Kunz as a show-off who wastes her time doing pointless things, and her stunts in order to get the attention of her beings are disapproved by Hidden because of the possibility of them breaking the Order of the Universe that she cherishes so much.

Talents - What talents does Hidden have?

Hidden possesses tons of talents, but doesn't use even a millionth of a percent of what she can do, since she thinks of it as unnecessary.

Personality type - What personality type is Hidden?

Hidden does not have much of a personality besides being extremely defensive of the Order, and seems to be very responsible otherwise.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Hidden’s favorite food?

She does not need to eat, and thus she does not have a favorite food.

Favorite possession - What is Hidden’s favorite possession?

Her power to control space - she thinks of it as the only thing that makes her useful for keeping the Order of the Universe.

Favorite color - What is Hidden’s favorite color?

She does not have a favorite color.

Occupation - What is Hidden’s occupation?

Hidden's well, a god. A god of space, to be exact.

Politics - What politics does Hidden have?

Hidden is not involved in politics.

Religion - What religion does Hidden practice?

Hidden is not involved in religion.

info History
Birthday - When is Hidden’s birthday?

The day when her Universe came into existence, which is approximately 13-17 billion years ago.

Background - What is Hidden’s background?

Hidden came into existence right when her Universe did, too.
She only got noticed by Kunz 25 MYR after the creation of the Universe, which made her treasured by Kunz at first, since she was the only being that Kunz could communicate at the moment. Hidden didn't make a great companion though, so Kunz quickly ditched her.
As time went by, Hidden eventually got picked on by Kunz for her monotony, but didn't pay any attention to it, but later Kunz would start to appreciate Hidden more, at a point that she'd get somewhat obsessed, but those periods don't last long and Kunz then regrets them.

Hidden's physical form came from Kunz giving up a part of herself, and while Hidden didn't deem it as a necessary action, she was flattered nonetheless.

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This character was created by Kunzkunz on

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