info Overview
Name - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s full name?

Crystal Emma Winter

Role - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s role in your story?

Evinrude's closest sibling

Other names - What other aliases does Crystal Emma Winter go by?


Gender - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s gender?


Age - How old is Crystal Emma Winter?

she died at age 11, would be 12

face Looks
Weight - How much does Crystal Emma Winter weigh?

never ask a ladys weight

Height - How tall is Crystal Emma Winter?


Hair Color - What color is Crystal Emma Winter’s hair?

wavy auburn hair

Hair Style - How does Crystal Emma Winter style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s eye color?

soft hazel doe eyes

Race - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s race?


Skin Tone

tan-ish olive skin

Body Type

small shouldered, and tall

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Crystal Emma Winter have?

birthmark behind her ear.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Crystal Emma Winter most?

herself, she can push herself to do anything for her as long as she actually wants it.

Talents - What talents does Crystal Emma Winter have?

Painting, figure sketching

groups Social
Occupation - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s occupation?

being the princess of the Winter kingdom

Favorite possession - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s favorite possession?

a leather sketchbook that she carries everywhere.

Favorite weapon - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s favorite weapon?

one sided daggers

date_range History
Birthday - When is Crystal Emma Winter’s birthday?

june 6

Background - What is Crystal Emma Winter’s background?

grew up in a unsupportive mentally and physically abusive household surrounded by her six supportive siblings.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Crystal Emma Winter

Item chevron_right Past Owners link linked Crystal Emma Winter

This character was created by Screaming cinnamon roll on

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