info Overview
Name - What is Rorek’s full name?


face Looks
Race - What is Rorek’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rorek have?

A bit shorter than Jaden, and definitely less muscular, he wears black leather pants and a black leather trench coat which is always tied closed. Blonde left side-swept hair that hides his eyes. He has a thin scar across the bridge of his nose, and a magenta stripe on his left jaw to his cheek. Always has a devilish smirk on his face.

Hair Color - What color is Rorek’s hair?


Height - How tall is Rorek?


Eye Color - What is Rorek’s eye color?

Bright green.

fingerprint Nature

Evil. Sadistically torturous. He whispers in Jaden's ear about various things, giving and intensifying Jaden's insecurities about himself. Rorek has a nasty demeanor, and a silver tongue which he uses to drag down the one he inhabits, tearing him apart from the seams all for his own sick pleasure.




Likes: torture, blood, hurting people, demeaning Jaden, getting people's hopes up only to shatter them
Dislikes: Sooki and everything she stands for, happiness, laughter, and sunshine.

groups Social
date_range History
Back Story

Awoke the moment Jaden was born and immediately hated the situation he was stuck in. He started to murmur things through the disgusting bond he and Jaden shared from the moment he came to consciousness. Once Jaden learned to speak and read, he started to understand the things Rorek was murmuring to him.
Rorek hated being contained in a person he thought was the definition of weak. It didn't matter how hard Jaden trained as a child, Rorek despised the boy he was forced to inhabit.
The older Jaden got, the more Rorek's depreciating words got to him. Rorek relished in the emotional distress he caused the young telepath.
Rorek continued to demean the boy, even going so far as to attempt to strangle him from time to time through their link. He got more and more vicious as the two got older, until Jaden snapped back and subconsciously slashed Rorek across the face, giving him the scar on his nose. If anything, that insult made him try his hardest to get Jaden to commit suicide so he'd be freed from the boy's body.
Towards the end of Jaden's high school career, Rorek decided enough was enough. He forced headaches on the boy for an entire week straight, until he couldn't take it anymore and passed out from the strain. Rorek dragged him into his subconscious where they battled for control of the body. Rorek managed to deal a fatal blow to Jaden's throat. He underestimated the boy's healing and was caught off guard when Jaden then gave Rorek a fatal wound to the abdomen, piercing him all the way through.
Begrudgingly, Rorek relinquished hold after being defeated so thoroughly. That was, until he realized his fatally dealt wound on Jaden manifested in reality, nearly killing them both. He faded into a darkness as Jaden was forced into a semi-permanent coma for two months.
Rorek slept for what felt like eternity, until he was rudely awoken by the one he resided in. Groggy and annoyed beyond belief, he reluctantly followed the exhausted boy's request to "take him home".
After that task was done, Rorek slipped back into Jaden's subconscious where he remains to this day, angry and plotting.

Ongoing Story

None, yet. He was thoroughly trounced and it will take a long time for him to come back, if he does.

Birthday - When is Rorek’s birthday?

Unknown, but believed to be created at the same time as Jaden, so approx June 17th, 1815 (possibly older)


Gemini, if we go by Jaden's birthday

Education - What is Rorek’s level of education?

No formal education. He learns through sheer osmosis. (He sees and hears everything Jaden does, so he knows everything Jaden does.)

device_hub Family

Unknown, but unlikely that he has any.

flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

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