info Overview
Name - What is Lacie’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Lacie go by?


Gender - What is Lacie’s gender?

Cis Female

Age - How old is Lacie?

Starts 6, grows to be 25.

face Looks
Race - What is Lacie’s race?

Human - Japanese

Hair Color - What color is Lacie’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Lacie style their hair?

Long and fluffy.

Skin Tone

Fair skinned.

Height - How tall is Lacie?

5'3" as an adult.

Eye Color - What is Lacie’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature

She was a very kind girl, lonely and desiring friendship in people other than her mother, the only person she had known her whole life. She enjoyed fun and thinks people should live life to the fullest by having as much fun as they can. She was very loving and loyal to those she found dear and wouldn't betray them for any reason. She was caring and sweet, with not a single mean bone in her body. She loves with all her heart, and it's impossible to sway her once she's found someone dear to her.



Talents - What talents does Lacie have?

Singing, sewing, and weaving

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Lacie’s favorite animal?

Birds and horses

Favorite possession - What is Lacie’s favorite possession?

The panda lilies Jaden used to bring her (that she keeps pressed).

Favorite food - What is Lacie’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Lacie’s favorite color?


date_range History
Back Story

She was a very kind girl, lonely and desiring friendship in people other than her mother, the only person she had known her whole life. She enjoyed fun and thinks people should live life to the fullest by having as much fun as they can. She was very loving and loyal to those she found dear and wouldn't betray them for any reason. She was caring and sweet, with not a single mean bone in her body. She loves with all her heart, and it's impossible to sway her once she's found someone dear to her.

Birthday - When is Lacie’s birthday?

February 2!



Education - What is Lacie’s level of education?


device_hub Family

Kayo (Mother, deceased)

flare Powers
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Lacie

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