info Overview
Name - What is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur’s full name?

Castor Jaemes Ingenieur

Age - How old is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur?


Gender - What is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Castor Jaemes Ingenieur go by?

Cas, Cassy (by Cal and Zima only), Jae (by most)

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Castor Jaemes Ingenieur style their hair?

Medium length, naturally wavy hair that is always styled nicely with it cut a bit shorter on the sides and pushed up and back on top (think 20s-30s guy hairstyles)

Hair Color - What color is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur’s hair?

Slightly darker blonde than Cal

Height - How tall is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur?


Weight - How much does Castor Jaemes Ingenieur weigh?

200 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Castor Jaemes Ingenieur have?

None that I can think of right now

Body Type

Broad shouldered, Grecian

Skin Tone

Naturally tanned

Eye Color - What is Castor Jaemes Ingenieur’s eye color?

Honey brown

fingerprint Nature

He's a Dreamer

groups Social
info History
device_hub Family

Dimitri and Illya

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Castor Jaemes Ingenieur

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Castor Jaemes Ingenieur

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