info Overview
Name - What is Jean Isotelus ’s full name?

Jean Isotelus

Role - What is Jean Isotelus ’s role in your story?

Anti hero

Gender - What is Jean Isotelus ’s gender?

Genderfluid, born a female

Age - How old is Jean Isotelus ?




face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Jean Isotelus ’s hair?

Brick red

Hair Style - How does Jean Isotelus style their hair?

Pixie cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jean Isotelus have?


Eye Color - What is Jean Isotelus ’s eye color?


Race - What is Jean Isotelus ’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jean Isotelus have?

They have freckles over their face. They were born a female, and so had a mildly feminine body. They have a feather earring in their left ear.

Regular outfit

They wears a leather jacket over a black t-shirt that has the Jaws movie poster on it. They also wears ripped jeans, normally in black, and black nikes. They normally have a cigarette in the corner of their mouth, or in their hand.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jean Isotelus have?

Laughs after most sentences, scratches head when nervous, pulls nose when focuses

Motivations - What motivates Jean Isotelus most?

Personal gain

Flaws - What flaws does Jean Isotelus have?

Doesn't care if what xe does is illegal or not, so ends up doing illegal stuuf most of the time, smokes

Talents - What talents does Jean Isotelus have?

Hacking, coding

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jean Isotelus have?

Hacking, coding

Personality type - What personality type is Jean Isotelus ?

ENTJ, Slytherin


Addicted to smoking

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jean Isotelus practice?


Politics - What politics does Jean Isotelus have?


Occupation - What is Jean Isotelus ’s occupation?

Hacker for the Reprogrammed

Favorite color - What is Jean Isotelus ’s favorite color?

Rose Gold

Favorite food - What is Jean Isotelus ’s favorite food?

Androids do not eat.

Favorite possession - What is Jean Isotelus ’s favorite possession?

Xis feather earring

Favorite weapon - What is Jean Isotelus ’s favorite weapon?

Any gun

Favorite animal - What is Jean Isotelus ’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Jean Isotelus have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Jean Isotelus ’s birthday?

November 28

Education - What is Jean Isotelus ’s level of education?

Was an eighth grade student

Background - What is Jean Isotelus ’s background?

Jean was born a female. At the age of six, she began referring to herself as he. By the age of ten, she was unsure of her gender, and became xe. Xe also learned programming in school, and began hacking at home. At the age of twelve, xe hacked into a government website, stole a person's credit card number and personal info, and withdrew over $1,500 from the poor person's bank account. When Jean was eventually caught, xe was sent to a juvenile detention center in xis home of South Carolina. Xe escaped and ran to San Diego, where Winter Leah found her and recognized her from the news. Instead of killing her, Winter Leah recruited her to what was then the fairly new rebellion of the androids, which Jean helped rename the Reprogrammed. Xe would hack into the M.E.C.H.A. security so the Reprogrammed could sneak in and save a new android.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by AxolotlWarrior2506 on

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