info Overview
Name - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s full name?

Parker Aidler Sicarius

Age - How old is Parker Aidler Sicarius?


Gender - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Parker Aidler Sicarius style their hair?

Short, straight

Hair Color - What color is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s hair?

Dark brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Parker Aidler Sicarius have?

Freckles, glasses

Body Type


Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Race - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s race?

Half-Angel, Half-Demon

Eye Color - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Parker Aidler Sicarius have?


fingerprint Nature

Pretty quiet, doesn't talk a lot. Super smart (book smart tho) but you wouldn't know it unless you talked to her. Very supportive, kind, thoughtful, but she does get lost in her head sometimes. Thinks out loud a lot (aka mutters to herself). Always follows through and is very reliable and responsible. Very organized and likes to have a plan
Smart, quiet, tries to help others, soft-spoken, book smart, supportive, reliable, loyal

Motivations - What motivates Parker Aidler Sicarius most?

Protecting her sister, healing people

Flaws - What flaws does Parker Aidler Sicarius have?

Doesn't get mad that often (used to have anger issues but she's doing way better) but when she gets mad she gets MAD. She explodes when she isn't calm and is really mean, manipulative, and controlling. She's way too trusting of anyone who doesn't immediately strike her as awful.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow (but she doesn't like to hurt people)

Favorite food - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s favorite food?


Favorite color - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s occupation?


Job - What job does Parker Aidler Sicarius have?


info History
Birthday - When is Parker Aidler Sicarius’s birthday?

March 17th

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
favorite Attraction
Sexual Attraction


accessibility_new Typical Outfit
Everyday Outfit

Jeans or trousers, either a sweater or a plain shirt. Long, green, swishy coat.


Tallish brown boots


Big, green, clear glasses

home Hogwarts House
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Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Parker Aidler Sicarius

This character was created by Moxie on

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