info Overview
Name - What is Aster Sicarius’s full name?

Aster Sicarius

Age - How old is Aster Sicarius?


Gender - What is Aster Sicarius’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Aster Sicarius style their hair?

Usually either really long or really short

Hair Color - What color is Aster Sicarius’s hair?

Her favorites are dark, dark black, and blonde

Height - How tall is Aster Sicarius?

Usually 5'8

Weight - How much does Aster Sicarius weigh?

Usually somewhere between 120-140 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aster Sicarius have?

Her hazel eye

Body Type

Short and slightly thicker. Think Glimmer from She-Ra

Skin Tone

Usually medium/light

Race - What is Aster Sicarius’s race?


Eye Color - What is Aster Sicarius’s eye color?

One eye is always hazel, the other one constantly changes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aster Sicarius have?


fingerprint Nature

Very very brave and bold. Not one to back down from a challenge (in fact she's a little too competitive). Always ready to fight you but she would also probably die for you. Takes crazy risks, very imaginative, as a kid, she was often told she has an "over-active imagination". Pssh. As if. She doesn't seem like it (because she is often in her own little world, or at least looks like it) but she is very perceptive and will notice small changes in people (and familiars). Very social and loves to talk to people. A HUGE dork. Always pranking people, always teasing people, makes as many puns as she can. Not very responsible, but she’s surprisingly good at taking care of herself.


Mild Auditory Proccessing Disorder

Mental Health/Learning Disabilites


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aster Sicarius have?

The leg bounce™, biting her nails, playing with her hair, silently snapping her fingers, whistling.

Flaws - What flaws does Aster Sicarius have?

Doesn't think before she does things, takes way too many risks, doesn't pay attention a lot of the time.

Talents - What talents does Aster Sicarius have?

Shapeshifting her appearance and her physique. Trying to learn how to fly. She is also a pretty powerful witch

Personality type - What personality type is Aster Sicarius?



Her sister, animals

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Aster Sicarius’s favorite possession?

Her leather satchel and all the things in it (A small medical kit, a to-go jars of herbs, an enchanted pocket knife, her spellbook, her three leather-bound journals, pencils, fountain pens, quills, ink, enchanted ink, duct tape, tarot cards, dried flowers, nail polish, silly string, chalk, and two glass bottles, one with an orange, shimmery liquid, and one with pink salt)

Favorite weapon - What is Aster Sicarius’s favorite weapon?

Her powers

Favorite animal - What is Aster Sicarius’s favorite animal?


Favorite food - What is Aster Sicarius’s favorite food?

Ice cream

Favorite color - What is Aster Sicarius’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Aster Sicarius’s occupation?


info History
Education - What is Aster Sicarius’s level of education?

She got an elementary-school level of formal education and then was homeschooled by her sister until this year

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name: Aster Sicarius
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Very very brave and bold. Not one to back down from a challenge (in fact she's a little too competitive). Always ready to fight you but she would also probably die for you. Takes crazy risks, very imaginative, as a kid, she was often told she has an "over-active imagination". Pssh. As if. She doesn't seem like it (because she is often in her own little world, or at least looks like it) but she is very perceptive and will notice small changes in people (and familiars). Very social and loves to talk to people. A HUGE dork. Always pranking people, always teasing people, makes as many puns as she can.
Appearance: Her appearance is constantly changing. Her favorite looks are long, silky dark hair with dark eyes, or light blue eyes with curly, blonde, chin length hair. She's not super tall or strong looking. She usually has light/medium skin, unless she's disguising herself. She almost always keeps one of her eyes hazel colored. (It's how her eyes were before she could shapeshift)
Abilities: A witch. She can also shapeshift her appearance and her physique. Trying to learn how to fly
Other: She has ADHD and mild auditory processing disorder

favorite Attraction
Romantic Attraction


Sexual Attraction/Romantic Attraction


accessibility_new Typical Outfit
home Hogwarts House
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}


Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Aster Sicarius

This character was created by Moxie on

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