Unmei,Omen of Science
19 years old.
Unmei is the Demi-God of the Cult of Science.
The Young One
Unmei has a teen girl's body type.
Unmei has symbols of alchemy tattooed in her arms.
Unmei is the size of normal man.
Light Purple.
Unmei has short-mid hair.
Unmei is extremely quick and smart,receiving the nickname of Master Thief.She also has the hability to control a tarot deck.
Unmei has the Unique Hability to control a tarot deck.She can mentally throw the cards at her opponents,and they take the sharpness of knives.She can also use the tarot cards to gain a special effect or give the opponent a bad effect.The effects are as follows:
Unmei is an extremely smart girl,that can outsmart almost any opponent.
Unmei can sometimes get too cocky,and fail in combat.
On the Genesis Palace,7 corrupted souls were born,from the depths of the Void.The Young One,as they call her,was the last soul to ever reach the light,and was adopted by The Old One.Her mission is to steal from the rich and give to the poor,but she scams the poor with her tarot cards.
Unmei's favorite possessions are the things she robs.
Tarot Cards.
Unmei is the Master Thief,leader of the Sonic Robbers.
"Everyone has a destiny,everyone has a fate.We can't change what happens in it.People visited me for advice,but ended up in the wrong side of destiny.What happened to them,you may ask?
Well,all is as my cards have foretold."
Unmei is the leader of a society and of a taken-over part of a city.