info Overview
Name - What is Abraham Dusky’s full name?

Abraham Dusky

Role - What is Abraham Dusky’s role in your story?

The Wannabe Knight

Gender - What is Abraham Dusky’s gender?


Age - How old is Abraham Dusky?


face Looks
Race - What is Abraham Dusky’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Abraham Dusky have?

Light freckles, a scar on his elbow from some sort of childhood injury.


His guard uniform includes a leather sash with intricate designs on it.

Other Details

His eyes are small and round. He has a honest baby face.

Hair Color - What color is Abraham Dusky’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Abraham Dusky style their hair?

Spiky, short

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Abraham Dusky have?

He keeps his face pretty well-shaven

Eye Color - What is Abraham Dusky’s eye color?

Golden brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Abraham Dusky have?

Growing up Trayan and hearing both relevant and long past atrocities commited by the sky dragons, he has grown to hate them as much as any other human.

Personality type - What personality type is Abraham Dusky?

Hopeless romantic that could do no (intentional) wrong. He's absolutely smitten with noble concepts like chivalry and knighthood. Too recklessly heroic for his own good.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Abraham Dusky have?

Hunting, fishing, daydreaming

Talents - What talents does Abraham Dusky have?

Melee combat and archery

Flaws - What flaws does Abraham Dusky have?

Stupidly optimistic, reckless, and prone to hopeless romantisizing that sets him up for heartbreak.

Motivations - What motivates Abraham Dusky most?

Chasing a childhood dream

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Abraham Dusky have?

Well-disicplined, but quick to relax whenever allowed to.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Abraham Dusky’s favorite color?

Yellow, like the sun

Politics - What politics does Abraham Dusky have?

Notably, very few political convictions. Although he's always rooting for Trayan victory in the Dracran-Trayan War

Occupation - What is Abraham Dusky’s occupation?

Guard/solider/teenager looking for odd jobs.

Favorite food - What is Abraham Dusky’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Abraham Dusky’s favorite possession?

A small rock he found in a stream. Perfectly smooth and round, shining like a pearl. He plans to give it to his one true love.

Favorite weapon - What is Abraham Dusky’s favorite weapon?

His spear

Favorite animal - What is Abraham Dusky’s favorite animal?

Chickens; they look funny.

Job - What job does Abraham Dusky have?

Rookie guard for Lord Areo's estate

date_range History
Background - What is Abraham Dusky’s background?

Abraham's noble family immigrated to Arandar when they caught wind of war with the dragons brewing. It was when their predictions were proven correct that he chose to firmly despise dragonkind. Now, he is enlisted a newbie guard for the estate of Lord Areos.

Birthday - When is Abraham Dusky’s birthday?

Feburary 1197

Education - What is Abraham Dusky’s level of education?

Well educated by scholars hired by his wealthy parents

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Abraham Dusky have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Jolene Clayton on

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