info Overview
Name - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s full name?

Selina Eliza Adeptus

Role - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s role in your story?

Healing Hands

Other names - What other aliases does Selina Eliza Adeptus go by?

Selkrul (Zafnir has a Draconic name for everyone), Selly, Eliza (sung, not spoken)

Gender - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s gender?


Age - How old is Selina Eliza Adeptus?


face Looks
Race - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Short and pudgy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Nothing much, actually.


Her favorite outfit includes a green and white striped scarff, a wool shawl, and really nice adventurers' boots.

Other Details

She never forgets her satchel or her staff.

Hair Color - What color is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Selina Eliza Adeptus style their hair?

Messy mom bun

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?


Eye Color - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Her prejudices lie not in the cultures and people known to exist in her very magical world, but in creatures not actually proven to stalk the night. Selina is terrifies of vampires, werebeasts, ghosts, and fey folk. She follows many superstitions tied with deterring these fiendish (and likely not real) creatures of the night.



Personality type - What personality type is Selina Eliza Adeptus?

Her behavior is....erratic. Selina is kind at her core, but a sarcastic by nature. She has a lot of unusual ideas and no filter between her brain and her mouth. She loves her job, loves helping people, and is a natural doctor.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Doctoring, pet care, bird and people watching.

Talents - What talents does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Potion crafting and general healing.

Flaws - What flaws does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

She doesn't know when to shut her mouth.

Motivations - What motivates Selina Eliza Adeptus most?

Depends on what she has to do. Her kind heart and fear of the unknown motivate her in equal parts.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Certainly not disciplined. At all. She's a sloppy eater, doesn't mind getting dirty, slouches when she sits, etc. etc.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s favorite color?


Religion - What religion does Selina Eliza Adeptus practice?

She's mildly interested in what she calls "great spirits". Claims that worshipping them keeps the ghosts at bay.

Politics - What politics does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

She doesn't care. To her, everyone's politics are/should be simple: don't be an asshole.

Occupation - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s occupation?


Favorite food - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s favorite possession?

She loves her staff.

Favorite weapon - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s favorite weapon?

She'll bludgeon you with her wooden staff.

Favorite animal - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s favorite animal?

Dogs for their loyalty and unconditional affection

Job - What job does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Doctor/witch. In Zeagni, witches are healers that rely on traditional home remedies, some rumored to be magical.

date_range History
Background - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s background?

Selina's background becomes important when she moves to Mopo to be a doctor. She meets Zafnir there and they become friends. She gets her familiar, Cupid, while working there as well, and he works for her as a therapy dog.

Birthday - When is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s birthday?

March 1194

Education - What is Selina Eliza Adeptus’s level of education?

Completely, totally homeschooled. Although she was never taught to be a witch; she's forgotten what her family wanted her to be, but she knows that she would have hated it.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Selina Eliza Adeptus have?

Cupid, the therapy dog

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

To sum her up in one sentence: a real piece of work. Many people percieve her as crazy or at least slightly eccentric. She's not aware of this.

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This character was created by Jolene Clayton on

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