June Owen
The Prophetic Hero
The Owen Girl
Carrot top
The prophet
Pale white
Small, thin but not incredibly frail
Freckled face
100 lbs
Long hair, curly
Chestnut brown
June is naive, and allows her emotions to rule her. She tends to be overconfident at the wrong moments. She also falls prey to believing the world revolves around her.
Becoming worldly and powerful
Juniper Lilibeth Owen is the second and youngest daughter of Elizabeth Owen and Benjamin Walker. June has a sister four years her senior: Octavia Diana Owen. As a baby, June was described by her parents as "intelligent, but quick to fuss and become overly emotional." June was two years old when her mother died of Hantal's Syndrome, a condition occuring mostly in witches that is comparable to cancer. Shortly after Elizabeth's death, Benjamin was killed by a drunk driver. Vivian and June went to live with grandmother Lucinda Owen and aunt Estella Owen on their homestead on Elliott Island. Already on the Owen Homestead were the girls' distant relatives, Lyra Marrow and Lycus Locosta.
March 7th, 1961