info Overview
Name - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s full name?

Kaiman Kiyaradari

Role - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s role in your story?

Lord High Representative

Other names - What other aliases does Kaiman Kiyaradari go by?

Lord Addar

Gender - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s gender?


Age - How old is Kaiman Kiyaradari?



As cliche as it sounds, to bring peace to the solar system.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s eye color?

Piercing blue

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Weight - How much does Kaiman Kiyaradari weigh?

100 lb

Height - How tall is Kaiman Kiyaradari?


Hair Color - What color is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kaiman Kiyaradari style their hair?

Clipped short, often combed

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Occasional stubble, but normally a clean shave.



fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

He is not fond of Lord Riekyd's people.

Personality type - What personality type is Kaiman Kiyaradari?

He is very compassionate, but can also be heartless in pursuit of his goals. If he thinks the end is worthy, he will do anything to attain it. Though his work means the world to him (Lol), his friendships rarely go untouched and he takes the time to have fun when he can.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Debating, space chess, Lord's functions, gentlemen's clubs.

Talents - What talents does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Gaining the trust of people he speaks with.

Flaws - What flaws does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

He is certain that if he has come to a conclusion, it is the right one to come to. It doesn't matter how bad a thing is, he thinks that anything can be done for a good enough reason.

Motivations - What motivates Kaiman Kiyaradari most?

His greatest wish is to be in a position of power so he can change the world for the better.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Addar: Sharp, quick, intelligent, ruthess.
Kaiman: Smart, clever, passionate.


He is a good public speaker and extremely charismatic. He is good at strategy, as well as manipulating others to think he holds all the cards, whether he is or not.

Emotion Stability

Basically invulnerable. It would take threatening the life of someone he really cared about for him to be moved to negative emotion.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s favorite color?

The pink/purple color of the sunset.

Religion - What religion does Kaiman Kiyaradari practice?


Politics - What politics does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Climb to the top, by any means necessary.

Favorite food - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s favorite possession?

Maybe something that reminds him why he's here?

Favorite weapon - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s favorite weapon?

His ceremonial katana.

Favorite animal - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Kaiman Kiyaradari have?

Representative to the Bisolar Council.

info History
Education - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s level of education?

One of the best. Went to five schools and learned about all things, especially politics and diplomacy.

Background - What is Kaiman Kiyaradari’s background?

He was raised in an emotionally distant family. His father (who did truly love him) sent him to prestigious academies to become a high standing man of society. He dearly wished to promote change, and make the world a better place. He met Firefly, (who was going to his school at the time) who had moved to a place in town near where he was staying. She invited him over one day. And then again. Soon they were good friends and he was adopted into her family. On night he got the guts up to ask her to be his fiancee. She accepted. His time at the schools, and his hard work paid off. He was accepted into the royal class and advanced quickly through the ranks. He finally came to power as a Lord, and made a choice to kill his own people to stop the civil war and side with the Federation. He proceeded to destroy his political rivals until he was the most powerful man in the system. From there he started to implement his plan to make the world a better place.

Significant Events

His lording ceremony, the murder of the Lord High Representative, taking his place.

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Relationships.

From the moment he met her in school he was captivated. They agreed on everything and had a shared passion to improve the world that they would talk of often. By the time he was invited over they were already great friends, and soon her family became his family, her parents looking after him like their own son. Soon after he resolved to ask her to be his wife.
After he was made Lord High Representative things changed.
Aya saw his ruthlessness for what it was and began to organize a rebellion. Kaiman began to dismiss her from his affections at that point.

It took him a long time to warm up to Jayla. Yet he was so lonely, even though he did not know it, and her continual advances and kindness to him wore him down and he eventually fell for her.

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This character was created by Dom on

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