info Overview
Name - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s full name?

Mortimer Wilkerson

Other names - What other aliases does Mortimer Wilkerson go by?

Morty (what most people call him)
MortyMortality (YouTube channel name)

Role - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s role in your story?

A mature guy who unfortunately is having a hard time accepting that he needs help.

Age - How old is Mortimer Wilkerson?


Gender - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s gender?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Mortimer Wilkerson?


Weight - How much does Mortimer Wilkerson weigh?

198 lbs.

Body Type

Stocky, fit, "thicc". Lot of upper-body strength and mass. A solid 8/10 ass.

Hair Color - What color is Mortimer Wilkerson’s hair?

Beige blonde.

Hair Style - How does Mortimer Wilkerson style their hair?

Fringe. Pretty straight, flat-falling hair.

Race - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s race?

Human; Irish-Catholic.

Skin Tone

Lightly tanned, red undertones.

Eye Color - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s eye color?

China blue.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

5 o'clock shadow, sometimes up to a 3-day-stubble beard.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

Freckles sprinkled along face and limbs.

fingerprint Nature

Is still coming to terms with his own depression.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

Standing and sitting with his arms crossed. Has a bad case of Resting Bitch Face. Hasn't really lost his New York accent, despite having lived in LA for many years, and sort of slurs his vowels. Has a deep, sort of droning voice. Doesn't say "bro" or "dude" but you can hear it in the way he speaks; only the occasional "man" tacked onto the ends of phrases.
Very much a "tough guy", gives off a grouchy and "don't mess with me" demeanor, simply because it's something he's grown used to and something he picked up from his high school friends whilst growing up. He doesn't mean to come off unapproachable, but it's a deeply ingrained defense mechanism that he's not too comfortable abandoning quite yet.

Sometimes laughs quietly at his own jokes, especially if he's alone.

Motivations - What motivates Mortimer Wilkerson most?

Get out of this slump he's been stuck in, these last couple of months.

Flaws - What flaws does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

While he comes off very self-assured and confident, his self-esteem is actually down in the dumps and Morty makes plenty of self-deprecating jokes on a daily basis.
Grew up with a very macho group of friends, and very macho himself; is still learning to overcome that, still learning that it's alright to be vulnerable, to outwardly show affection, to lean on someone else for support. He seems closed off a majority of the time, even to people he likes.
Overprotective of his loved ones, not because he doesn't believe they can't take care of themselves but because he'll always, always, rather take the hit himself then risk anything bad happening to them.
Lately especially he's been staying home more, has been questioning his life choices and goals and generally feeling very mopey, tired, useless.

Talents - What talents does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

Gives the BEST hugs. Archery, and he's good enough that he often chooses the arching ranging as a date spot when he especially wants to impress whoever he's seeing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

Hiking and mountain climbing with his sister, to stay in shape. Video games, obviously.
Likes reality TV but would never admit it.

Personality type - What personality type is Mortimer Wilkerson?

Cool and collected, has had very few scandals under his belt for someone with his job and popularity. Reacts very well to drama, in the manner that he stays out of it and doesn't respond to provocation.
A pretty serious person, to the point where it's often hard to tell whether he's telling a joke or not because even when he does, it's with a straight face. Does love to laugh though, and is drawn to people with easy and open senses of humor. Very "alpha-male", and although he has an authoritative vibe he rarely takes the lead on projects and would rather get a role assigned to him by someone else.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s occupation?

YouTuber. Predominantly a gaming channel, with some critique and theory thrown in. Very popular exclusively in the gaming community.

Politics - What politics does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

Is a begrudging feminist, despite his terrible experience with radicals. Has struggled with his own body issues for a long time, and is an abuse victim, so preaches strongly about those causes if anyone asks.

Religion - What religion does Mortimer Wilkerson practice?

Agnostic. Sometimes goes to church just to feel closer to his family, when he misses them.

Favorite food - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s favorite food?

A touchy subject, but nuts are a common treat and they're especially tasty when roasted.

Favorite color - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s favorite color?

Orange and brown.

Favorite animal - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s favorite animal?

Man, how about those tiny geckos? Cool lil guys.

info History
Education - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s level of education?

Has a Master's in Mechanical Engineering.

Background - What is Mortimer Wilkerson’s background?

Grew up in Upstate New York.
Morty's parents loved to feed him, and Morty loved to eat. With age came awareness and social pressure, and the sudden self-loathing for his own body. He didn't like being called fat, or overweight, or big or chubby or heavy, because so often the word was thrown around with a negative connotation and every time, it stung and hurt and depleted any self-confidence Morty had to speak of. Various eating disorders and body dysmorphia followed close behind, and followed him for years until he finally sought professional help (after much convincing and pleading on his sister's part). He's well into his twenties and still sometimes deals with sudden pangs of insecurity and self-hatred around mealtimes.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mortimer Wilkerson have?

A spoiler, but he's gonna get a big dog and he's gonna love it with all his heart and they're gonna go on runs together.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Is a living heater; always warm and always open to cuddling, if you ask nicely.

audiotrack Music
Theme song(s)

Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
Fireflies - Owl City

favorite Attraction
Relationship History

  • Only got his first girlfriend in college, and it was one of the most validating things to ever happen to him; he attributed a girl liking him with him finally being attractive, that years of struggling to keep his weight in check finally payed off. The relationship didn't last long, but Morty quickly sought to always be with somebody, because it was doing wonders for his self-image and confidence. Took him a lot of convincing on Candy's and other friends' parts to understand that this wasn't healthy.

  • Was with his abusive girlfriend Amy for almost two years; she raped him on many occasions, something Morty could only put into words and come to terms with once the relationship was finally over. It took many attempts to break up with Amy, only after many attempts to mend their relationship and always taking full responsibility for their problems, only after being told, very strictly, by Candy that Amy would not get better, or go back to being the way she used to be, or ever realize or admit she was in the wrong, and that she would never stop hurting him. Morty still has trouble staying in relationships for too long now, and has developed a fear for codependency.


Closeted bisexual.

beach_access Clothes
all_inclusive Important Relationships
At the start of the story-line:

  • Candida Wilkerson: He and Candy are very close, though they used to despise each other growing up: they never saw the other's problems or insecurities, always thought of the other as selfish and greedy and, well, the usual. Candy was the first to notice Morty's problems with his body and eating habits, and was the one who badgered him to talk about it with her and accept that he has a problem, Christ. In the last decade she has become Morty's closest confidant, especially as Candy herself has matured and acquired enough wisdom that he takes her counseling seriously.

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