info Overview
Name - What is Drayton Chambers’s full name?

Drayton Chambers

Age - How old is Drayton Chambers?

Part 2- 25 (1936)
Part 5- 107 (2018) {Looks 27}

Gender - What is Drayton Chambers’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Drayton Chambers go by?

Student 6-18-5-24

Role - What is Drayton Chambers’s role in your story?


sentiment_very_satisfied Name
face Looks
Weight - How much does Drayton Chambers weigh?


Height - How tall is Drayton Chambers?


Hair Color - What color is Drayton Chambers’s hair?

Dishwater Blonde

Body Type

Slim and slight with no curves, slightly angular face

Skin Tone


Race - What is Drayton Chambers’s race?

Wizard (sub-type of Human Mage)

Eye Color - What is Drayton Chambers’s eye color?

Slate Grey

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Drayton Chambers have?

starts of a scruffy beard

Hair Style - How does Drayton Chambers style their hair?

Mopish--with jagged edges and pieces flying up

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Drayton Chambers have?

He has a red nasty looking scar right over his heard that peaks out of the collar of his shirts.

fingerprint Nature
Magical Abilities

He is a wizard so his magic is just a swirling force inside of him that he can do with as he pleases to an extent. He is not as strong as his sister meaning that he cannot shape shift like her. He needs a outlet to channel said energy out of and he just uses whatever is close at hand

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Drayton Chambers have?

When he is thinking, nervous/worried, or scared he rubs his chin or covers his mouth with his hands. Another tick with this is rubbing his hand(s) through his hair. When he is feeling a good emotion he gets this smile/smirk that is absolutely contagious. When excited or surprised his eyes get very wide and and he tends to laugh

Motivations - What motivates Drayton Chambers most?

He really just wants the best for his little sister. He cannot really provide for her, nor could their late parents.

Flaws - What flaws does Drayton Chambers have?

Other than the obvious illnesses? Well he feels guilty most of the time for things he cannot control apologizing for things he did not do. He also can be a push over at times, he is so nice he will do just about anything you ask of him.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Drayton Chambers have?

He doesn't trust "adults" or believe in a happy family as his parents dumped him and his sister in the streets at the start of the Depression.

Talents - What talents does Drayton Chambers have?

He is very smart and always learning new things. He is quick on his feet keeping them out of some stick situations. He is very capable of harnessing his magic when he needs too

Hobbies - What hobbies does Drayton Chambers have?

He loves sitting by the water and watching the boats go by. He also has a pass time of singing. He loves to read as well

Personality type - What personality type is Drayton Chambers?

He is a perfect gentleman. He is kind, courteous (to your face), loyal, caring, etc. He has a heart of gold and loves to make people laugh or smile. Behind closed doors he can be a tad more cynical and opinionated but he never lets that sway the way he treats others.

developer_board History
Birthday - When is Drayton Chambers’s birthday?

July 20th, 1911

Early Life

Drayton Chambers is elder child of Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. A blue collar family from Pittsburgh they never had much, but they had enough to keep them happy. When he was 5 his baby sister was born, he immediately took to caring after her. He began having seizures around age 8, but continued going to school for another 5 years. At the end of middle school his seziures got bad enough that he could no longer attend school. He stayed home with his sister who had been home schooled from the start. He was then the first to notice how sick she looked and was there the day she fainted for the first time. This spurred him on to be even more protective of her. After their parents saw that both of their children were weak and sick they tried for a third child. Two years go by and nothing happens he is 15 she is 10. Life is good though and their family was prospering a little bit. As the pair gets older and start to play with the weird feeling inside them they discover their magic and they begin to secretly work on it. The very next year they give birth to a healthy baby boy whom they name Alex. Then, in 1929 the stock market crashes. Their family suffers greatly as not only did their father lose his job at the mill thanks to the depression most of their saving had been in the market. Realizing there was nothing left for them in Pittsburgh the Chambers decided to move, but...Drayton and Whinnie did not go with them. They left one afternoon after sending their elder two children to the park to play. They couldn't afford two sick kids. The two quickly learned how to fend on the streets and use their magic to help them survive and survive their illnesses.

Education - What is Drayton Chambers’s level of education?

He got to go to elementary and middle school before he was kicked to the street where he learned street smarts

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Drayton Chambers’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Drayton Chambers’s favorite weapon?

Whatever he can get his hands on to use his magic

Favorite possession - What is Drayton Chambers’s favorite possession?

his news cap that his sister saved up a little of their "pocket" money to get his for Christmas

Favorite food - What is Drayton Chambers’s favorite food?

Primantis Sandwich if he can get the $$ and an Iron City
(Note to author: Primantis opened in 1933 in the Strip)

Favorite color - What is Drayton Chambers’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Drayton Chambers’s occupation?

Rat -- Pick-Pocket

Politics - What politics does Drayton Chambers have?

He thinks the New Deal isn't working for everyone (himself included) he doesn't agree with all of FDRs decisions. All he wants in a job and the government cant seem to get their act together in his mind

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Drayton Chambers have?

He named a couple of ally cats; Matt the ally cat, Tania the tabby, Christina the calico, and Brian the cat with blue eyes

history Changelog
edit Notes
gesture Trivia
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Drayton Chambers

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Drayton Chambers

This character was created by @I.J.Green on

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