info Overview
Name - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s full name?

Robert Joseph MacCready

Role - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s role in your story?

Main character

Age - How old is Robert Joseph MacCready ?


Gender - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Robert Joseph MacCready go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Robert Joseph MacCready have?


Hair Style - How does Robert Joseph MacCready style their hair?

Back and over, generally coarse

Hair Color - What color is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s hair?


Height - How tall is Robert Joseph MacCready ?


Weight - How much does Robert Joseph MacCready weigh?

150 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

Nothing physical that draws the eye too heavily, though he's very easy to identify due to his signature hat.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s eye color?

Hazel Green

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

MacCready shows mistrust to any person he meets at first, but he shows particular aversion to certain groups of people. He, as most of the people of the Commonwealth, hates the Institute with a passion and generally dislikes synths. He strongly dislikes the Brotherhood, most likely for their take-over of the Capital Wasteland and for their behavior in the Commonwealth later on. He doesn't mind the Railroad to much, though his dislike for synths sets him apart from their followers. Though he doesn't really agree with the "let's help everyone" attitude of the Minutemen, they eventually grow on him and he comes to enjoy helping people around the Commonwealth, particularly when offered rewards for his efforts. He has no racial or gender bias, nor does he display any homophobic tendencies.


None, but the occasional limp due to a past injury that never quite healed right.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

Sarcastic, Loyal, Perceptive, Passionate

Motivations - What motivates Robert Joseph MacCready most?

MacCready's leading motivation is the welfare of himself and his son, though if he comes across a person he learns to respect and trust, he'll fight to protect them too (maybe even to the same extent as the latter). Due to his rough childhood and Duncan's health, caps make up a leading factor in his motivations as well.

Flaws - What flaws does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

Defensive, Distrustful, Hot-headed

Talents - What talents does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

MacCready's highest skill is in sniping. He is an extremely skilled self-taught sniper and generally know's his way around a gun. He shows talent in spotting and listening for enemies. He can play guitar fairly well (learned in his time occupying his boredom in little lamplight) and has skill in slight of hand, thanks to his rocky childhood in the Capital. He's also very good with children.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

Collecting and reading comics, occasionally reads old-world books (he dislikes non fiction but loves anything that can capture his mind and make him forget his situatui, even if for just a moment.) He can also play guitar (guitar manuals in Little Lamplight) and enjoys rock

Personality type - What personality type is Robert Joseph MacCready ?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s favorite food?

Noodles from Takahashi's stand

Favorite animal - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s favorite weapon?

Compensated hunting sniper rifle

Favorite possession - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s favorite possession?

Toy soldier and sniper rifle

Favorite color - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s occupation?

MacCready is a Mercenary, or what some refer to as a "hired gun". Earlier in life, he ran with a mercenary organization called the Gunners. Their actions, however, never sat well with him, and he eventually left. Just after his exit from the operation, the Quincy massacre occurred, the Gunners claiming the city as their own and murdering anyone in their way.

Politics - What politics does Robert Joseph MacCready have?

Generally, MacCready follows an "every man for himself (and those closest to him)" ideology. He tends to disregard or even disdain laws and lawmakers, doing whatever he wants. On an alignment chart, one may place him as "chaotic neutral."

Religion - What religion does Robert Joseph MacCready practice?

As a whole, MacCready is generally unreligious, reasoning that "if there is a god, he's a cruel bastard."

info History
Birthday - When is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s birthday?

August 16, 2265

Background - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s background?

MacCready was born in 2265. He has served as the mayor of Little Lamplight for three years (since he was ten) when he was chosen by the other residents due to his smarts, toughness and the fact that he doesn't take guff from anyone. He has no fear of adults and is a perfect representative. He is belligerent, small (even for his age), very distrustful of adults and willing to blow someone's head off to defend his young charges, but MacCready is also very loyal to those he considers friends.

MacCready came into office in 2274 shortly after the five-minute rule of Princess. According to Sammy, when Princess demanded the title of mayor be changed to Princess, MacCready punched her in the nose and said that the children of Lamplight needed a leader, not a princess. He was then elected to the position of mayor. The child mayor makes regular patrols around the underground settlement, keeping outsiders and potential troublemakers under close surveillance.

During the decade between 2277 and 2287, MacCready ended up marrying a woman named Lucy and had a son with her named Duncan. When he first met Lucy, he lied to her about his occupation, telling her he was a soldier and concealing the fact he was a hired gun. He never told her the truth. At an unknown point in time, feral ghouls killed Lucy while MacCready fled with Duncan. Sometime later, Duncan contracted an unknown disease, prompting MacCready to travel to the Commonwealth to find a cure.

He was employed by the Gunners for some time, but left and has ever since been hounded by them for continuing to take jobs in their territory. He is still skilled with rifles and can make precise headshots.

Education - What is Robert Joseph MacCready ’s level of education?

RJ may be sharp, but his time in Little Lamplight only got him a basic elementary school education.

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history Changelog
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This character was created by Kevin McClain on

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