info Overview
Name - What is Atan Sariel ’s full name?

Atan Sariel

Age - How old is Atan Sariel ?


Gender - What is Atan Sariel ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Atan Sariel go by?

The First Nephilim, Son of Sariel, Murderous Roach, a black void, the worst of the worst, His Royal Highness; Prince Bitch-ass

Role - What is Atan Sariel ’s role in your story?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Atan Sariel ’s eye color?

Originally black or blue but can change them to whatever color he wants

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Atan Sariel have?


Hair Style - How does Atan Sariel style their hair?

Longer on top, clean cut

Hair Color - What color is Atan Sariel ’s hair?

silvery blond

Height - How tall is Atan Sariel ?


Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

he has a tattoo in enochian on his wrists

Body Type

Tall and athletic, he looks slightly delicate but he is nearly indestructible.

Weight - How much does Atan Sariel weigh?


Skin Tone

His skin is very pale and fair colored

Race - What is Atan Sariel ’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Atan Sariel have?

He hates people who can be free. Because of his bloodline, his body and mind is in a constant state of unrest and pain so he hates that some people can be carefree and happy.


Narcissistic psychopath, though seeing as he is a supernatural being; he can somehow still love genuinely its just he cant show it in human ways.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Atan Sariel have?

He is polite to a point its annoying when he first meets a person. He does this is gain the person's trust or at least to let their guard down, he is often rude when he's not polite and is a complete narcissist when he reveals his true self. Atan is very arrogant and self confident

Motivations - What motivates Atan Sariel most?

Greed, revenge, love

Flaws - What flaws does Atan Sariel have?

Arrogance, self confidence, self indulgent, cruel

Talents - What talents does Atan Sariel have?

Magic and combat, espionage

Hobbies - What hobbies does Atan Sariel have?

murder... ( and cough cough hot stuff)

Personality type - What personality type is Atan Sariel ?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Atan Sariel ’s favorite food?

He doesn't eat food very often, when he does he likes to eat ice cream.

Favorite animal - What is Atan Sariel ’s favorite animal?

None, he doesn't like something he can't control

Favorite weapon - What is Atan Sariel ’s favorite weapon?

His magic and his bow

Favorite possession - What is Atan Sariel ’s favorite possession?


Favorite color - What is Atan Sariel ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Atan Sariel ’s occupation?

Full time slut and conspirator

Politics - What politics does Atan Sariel have?


Religion - What religion does Atan Sariel practice?


Job - What job does Atan Sariel have?

To him, murder is his job. He thinks that by murdering the "impure" people he comes across, he somehow sees these killings as justified now. He thought he had found his calling back at the Order but after Aurora broke things off between them, he picked up his old ways

info History
Education - What is Atan Sariel ’s level of education?

He is VERY intelligent, like higher IQ like Einstein even though he doesn't seem like because hes still somewhat human and is clouded by emotions a good part of the time

Background - What is Atan Sariel ’s background?

Atan was born to a woman named Via, his father was the angel Sariel. During this time Sariel was leading a group of angels down to earth and impregnating human women with their children to see if it would work. Atan was the only one to survive at first, for nearly a century he was the only nephilim and then others started to appear, meaning being his siblings. Atan and the other didnt get along, they fought and all died. Sariel was proud of his child even though his other ones were dying at his son's hands. Atan looks VERY vaguely latino but he is pale. He first met Aurora in France when she was tasked to bring him in. He went willingly and a few months later he joined the order and they started dating. They became engaged and they planned on starting a family one day but Atan became very stressed and went crazy when Aurora ended up breaking up with him. He was always kinda rough with her (during training and in the bedroom) and Aurora was afraid for her life and her families when she found out about what Atan did to his own siblings.

Birthday - When is Atan Sariel ’s birthday?

His birthday is somewhere during biblical times

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Atan Sariel have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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