info Overview
Name - What is Aurora Van Helsing ’s full name?

Aurora Van Helsing

Age - How old is Aurora Van Helsing ?


Gender - What is Aurora Van Helsing ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Aurora Van Helsing go by?

Aura, Helsing, Huntress Van Helsing, Guardian Van Helsing

Role - What is Aurora Van Helsing ’s role in your story?

The Hunter

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Aurora Van Helsing ’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aurora Van Helsing have?


Hair Style - How does Aurora Van Helsing style their hair?

Short, wavy. She changes her hair a lot but never it's color. Her hairstyle right now is a basic shoulder-length cut.

Hair Color - What color is Aurora Van Helsing ’s hair?

Platinum Blond. None of her brothers have this hair color and neither did her father. She figures it came from her mother but her father never talks about her.

Height - How tall is Aurora Van Helsing ?


Identifying Marks and other Identifying Features

Identifying Marks: As a Huntress, she has a few scars all over her body. She has decorative scarring on her back of wings, they start between her shoulder blades and the wings extend to her shoulders and down half of her bicep. This decorative is a pale white color. Aurora was born with these scars, her father believes they were from her mother.

Body Type

Athletic. Aurora was an athletic body type from years and years of training to be a successful Huntress. She is not muscular but is clearly strong around the thighs and shoulders. What she lacks in strength she makes up for in speed and creativity.

Her body shape is closer to Pear then anything. She has a medium bust but wider hips and a sculpted rear.

Weight - How much does Aurora Van Helsing weigh?

135 lbs

Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Aurora Van Helsing ’s race?

This is where things are interesting.

Human, Succubus, and Werewolf. Aurora's father is human and her mother was a Succubus demon that tricked her father into sleeping with her. Aurora later became a werewolf as well when her boyfriend, now husband, lost control during a Change and bit her.

Description of Race

There is no name for what she is, she just calls herself a werewolf because she doesn't have any Succubas powers besides being very beautiful.

Technically could be called a Hybrid

Typically Clothing Worn


At the Sanctuary:


At home:

To bed:

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