info Overview
Name - What is Serra Castiel’s full name?

Serra Castiel

Role - What is Serra Castiel’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Serra Castiel?


Gender - What is Serra Castiel’s gender?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Serra Castiel’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Serra Castiel’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Serra Castiel style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Body Type


Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Serra Castiel have?

On the outside, Serra is the epitome of the phrase "cold, hard, b*tch." She takes her self-imposed mandate of aloofness and stoicism very seriously and puts much effort into reigning in her emotions and reactions after her expulsion from Paradise. At the same time, she shows great passion and loyalty to her comrades. She appears cold, frigid even, with her unblinking attitude to most of the horrors she sees around her, and she rarely appears moved or impressed by the plight of others.

In truth, however Serra is fiery and determined, fiercely independent and confident. She is flirty, vibrant, and full of life, a rarity for someone who has gone through the tortuous ordeals she has. On top of that she's quick-witted and clever. She is slow to form real attachments, but once she does she is fiercely protective of her own purposefully-detached sort of way. If she pays you any attention at all, it means she's actually quite fond of you.

Flaws - What flaws does Serra Castiel have?

Her pursuit of quelling her genuine emotions and opinions means she doesn't often express them aloud, though that doesn't mean she's without them. She's usually rather indifferent when it comes to someone else's attitude towards her city and comrades so long as they remain civilized in their expressions of those attitudes.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Serra Castiel have?

She will not allow mass ignorance or paranoia to have the last word, and her quick wit and sharp tongue are more than enough to put anyone in their place without resorting to quick blows and sharp steel. Otherwise, she doesn't really care what kind of looks or whispers are thrown her way; just don't get in her face if you want to keep your dignity.

info History
Background - What is Serra Castiel’s background?

Serra was an angel of the Host, a holy sword that stood against the darkness. She spent her childhood training on Saga beyond the Celestial Sphere. From a young age she underwent a tortuous and arduous training regimen. She was pushed passed the limit of peak physical capability. Hers was a family of renowned angels, and Serra strived to join them in the halls of power and glory.

She was young when the Seven Demon Lords fell and rebelled against Heaven, but she took up her sword and joined the fight against them. In the battle she found that the demons were far more passionate and driven than the soldiers she fought beside. Though both sides held conviction, the demons seemed to truly want what they were fighting for, despite once being angels, they believed that Heaven was wrong.

Once they were defeated, Serra was wary of accepting the peace at face value. The war had seen the involvement of the entire world, including those that the Host had previously declared heretical - the pagan gods and their followers. Serra chose to travel outside the Sphere and journey the world to see what specifically the demon lords were rebelling for. In the outside world she found passion, life, and love. She found things that the Holy Host told her to temper and keep reserved. When she returned - full of questions and uncertainty - she was chastised and berated for her extended absence, and upon learning why, she fled the Sphere in horror in exile.

Her expulsion changed her, and as time went on her form changed as well to reflect her inner change and turmoil. Her Beelstarrmon form was not fully demonic, but she was an angel no longer. She took many false names in her exile and continued her travels across Saga. She eventually took up residence in Axis Mundi and opened up a tavern...coincidentally, the tavern that Svarog damaged during that first night.

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This character was created by Yonathan Krieger on

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