info Overview
Name - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s full name?

Conrad Rock Kenshi

Other names - What other aliases does Conrad Rock Kenshi go by?


Role - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s role in your story?

Supporting character

Age - How old is Conrad Rock Kenshi?


Gender - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Conrad Rock Kenshi style their hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

He is always smiling.

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s race?


Eye Color - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?


Weight - How much does Conrad Rock Kenshi weigh?

140 pounds.

Height - How tall is Conrad Rock Kenshi?

5' 11"

Hair Color - What color is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

He loves studying emotions and the human mind. He is always trying new habits of all sorts, but he never keeps them around for long.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

Conrad is known for having trouble staying on one subject, and he hops around. He is also almost always happy, and his voice reflects that.

Motivations - What motivates Conrad Rock Kenshi most?

He is motivated by the people he has met and come to know. He has found happiness, so he is simply happy to help others out along.

Flaws - What flaws does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

His constant happiness can sort of annoy people, especially in stress filled situations. He also tends to talk a lot. He is child like in a lot of ways, including in the way he causes mischief.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

None, although he does have trouble understanding people with prejudices.

Talents - What talents does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

He is skilled in magic, and close combat fighting.

Personality type - What personality type is Conrad Rock Kenshi?

Child-like. He uses powers on people a lot, though often it can be hard to tell. He also talks a lot, and ask questions wherein the answer should seem obvious.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s favorite food?

Cake, or Cupcakes, or brownies, or what ever sweet food he happens to be eating when you ask him.

Favorite weapon - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s favorite weapon?

He has a pike like weapon, though he calls it his 'Swordstick.'

Favorite color - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Conrad Rock Kenshi have?

Conrad doesn't follow politics, claiming that they are 'boring.'

Religion - What religion does Conrad Rock Kenshi practice?

Conrad is part of no set religion, though he has his own moral code.

info History
Education - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s level of education?

Unknown. He is known to be quite smart, in order to create emotional magic, but he also seems to have an odd childlike intelligence, not knowing the simplest answers to questions or how to function in a social situation.

Background - What is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s background?

While it would be unknown to the reader, at least for a while, I do have some of his background put together.
Conrad claims to have been born in Lia, a wild continent. He is at some point cursed to share his physical space with his brother, Seth, but I have yet to figure out exactly how that happens. As for the rest of his backstory, he falls in love with a girl named Nancy. However, A man named Dan assaults Conrad, and Nancy runs away with him. Conrad, furious, tracks down the pair, and attempts to murder Dan. He fails, and is shot twice with arrows for his efforts. It is likely Dan would have killed him, but Seth attacks, defeating Dan and saving his brothers life. Conrad, suitably crushed, spends some time doing nothing, but inspired by his father starts studying magic. Conrad claims his father was a famous magician, who was known for making people fall asleep. This leads Conrad to years of studying and magic practicing leads him to invent what he calls 'Emotional Magic'.

Birthday - When is Conrad Rock Kenshi’s birthday?

He claims it to be April 19th.

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This character was created by Race Crowe on

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