info Overview
Name - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s full name?

Kodai Azul Careful

Other names - What other aliases does Kodai Azul Careful go by?

None, though one character only refers to him through insults.

Role - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s role in your story?

Main character

Age - How old is Kodai Azul Careful?


Gender - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kodai Azul Careful style their hair?

Slicked back with short sides. He loses his hair at one point and gets feathers on his head instead.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kodai Azul Careful have?

Well, none as of right now.

Body Type

Light build, becomes more muscular over the course of the story.

Skin Tone

Originally, he is Caucasian.
As he transforms, he becomes green.

Race - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s race?

Half-Human, Half-Dragon. Mistaken for Half-Lizardman often.

Eye Color - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s eye color?

Blue, but then they become golden in color.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kodai Azul Careful have?

He prefers to have none.

Weight - How much does Kodai Azul Careful weigh?

I'm not sure yet.

Height - How tall is Kodai Azul Careful?

6 feet tall, though he claims to be 6' 2".

Hair Color - What color is Kodai Azul Careful’s hair?

Dark Brown, but he later gets feathers, of several different colors.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Kodai Azul Careful have?

He likes growing flowers.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kodai Azul Careful have?

He likes to strike poses, over make over dramatic faces to emphasize what emotion he is feeling at that moment.

Motivations - What motivates Kodai Azul Careful most?

He is constantly trying to prove himself not just a man, but even more than most men can be. As time goes on, he also

Flaws - What flaws does Kodai Azul Careful have?

Very paranoid about himself, but locks it away rather than actually just try and deal with it. He is also a very bad listener, typically tuning people out to think about his own problems.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s favorite food?

Baked Potatoe with sour cream and bacon crumbled over the top.

Favorite weapon - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s favorite weapon?

A 3 pronged blade that also contains a powder gun. It is made out of 'Dragon Tears Steel.'

Favorite possession - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s favorite possession?

See Favorite Weapon. He got it when he was 8 and had carried it around ever since.

Favorite color - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Kodai Azul Careful’s occupation?

He also runs the mercenary business that accounts for most of the mercs in the city that he lives in.

info History
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kodai Azul Careful have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Race Crowe on

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