info Overview
Name - What is Jasper Hawke’s full name?

Jasper Hawke

Gender - What is Jasper Hawke’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jasper Hawke go by?

Jaz, Jazzy (to his chagrin), Hawke

Role - What is Jasper Hawke’s role in your story?


Meaning of name

-Bringer of treasure

Age - How old is Jasper Hawke?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Jasper Hawke style their hair?

Medium length thick hair, messy, tends to stand up a bit from him running his hand through it

Hair Color - What color is Jasper Hawke’s hair?

Ash brown

Height - How tall is Jasper Hawke?


Weight - How much does Jasper Hawke weigh?

151 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jasper Hawke have?

Mole on the left side of his neck, has a few small scars on his hands (he has no idea how he got them)

Body Type

Ectomorph; lean and lanky

Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Jasper Hawke’s race?


Eye Color - What is Jasper Hawke’s eye color?

Muddy green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jasper Hawke have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Jasper Hawke have?

Acting, lying, thievery, decently good with a sword and gun but doesn't like to use them. He's also good at connecting with people which makes him a good leader.




Asthma from years of inhaling ash and secondhand smoke

Favorite quote/philosophy

Quote: "If you want to be thought a liar, always tell the truth."
Philosophy: "I won't hold myself to high expectations; all I need to do is survive."

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jasper Hawke have?

Uses the colloquialism of the lower class, frequently uses slang, smiles a lot. Tilts his head to show attentiveness, still and quiet most of the time (not like a poised quiet like Elinor, just kind of there). Has an unexplainable sense of presence.

Angry: Speaks slower and softer with a knife's edge to his voice, tenses up and clenches his fists, sometimes trembles a bit.
Sad: Runs his hand through his hair when upset or tense, swallows frequently, covers his face with his hands when crying.
Scared: Becomes completely still and observes the situation; runs if he feels that he's severely threatened. When nervous, he fidgets with small objects, most commonly his pocketwatch.
Happy: Smiles, makes jokes; people can sense his happiness and it tends to make them happy too.
Bored: Can't stop making little movements- tapping his fingers on his legs, clearing his throat, shuffling his feet.
Tells: Puts his hands in his pockets or behind his back

Motivations - What motivates Jasper Hawke most?

Wants happiness and freedom for himself and his friends; however, nothing comes before his own survival

Flaws - What flaws does Jasper Hawke have?

-Impulsive, unable to face his fears
-Makes bad choices
-Like, a lot of bad choices
-Impulsiveness and cowardice isn't a great decision-making combination
-He can think on his feet, but in real dangerous situations, his only goal is self-preservation
-He CANNOT face his fears at all
-He ends up abandoning his friends because of his fears and desire to survive, leading to his losing everything he has

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jasper Hawke have?

Doesn't trust businessmen or politicians (or anyone who has similar mannerisms).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jasper Hawke have?

Walking, thinking (about random things; gets lost in his thoughts a lot), talking to people, stargazing, playing games of any kind

Personality type - What personality type is Jasper Hawke?

-Laid-back most of the time, charismatic, good conversationalist. Is on good terms with everybody
-Observant, clever; has the skills to thrive on the streets: he picks up the little things no one else notices, and he can think on his feet
-Sensitive and empathetic (most people don't know this). Used to be an idealist, but lost that as he realized that he was never going to have any significant impact.
-He'll do what he can for his friends, but will abandon them if he feels threatened.




The paranormal, heights, being poor/unable to support himself, death

Hogwarts/Ilvermorny House


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jasper Hawke’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Jasper Hawke’s favorite animal?

Hawks (kinda obvious)

Favorite weapon - What is Jasper Hawke’s favorite weapon?

Longsword. Very flashy. (He usually doesn't get to use it though)

Favorite possession - What is Jasper Hawke’s favorite possession?

The Ken (his- well, technically Elinor's- house)

Favorite food - What is Jasper Hawke’s favorite food?

Bread. Toast, sandwiches, anything that involves bread.

Occupation - What is Jasper Hawke’s occupation?

-Co-leader of (name TBD)

Politics - What politics does Jasper Hawke have?

Whig- believes that Parliament should make all the decisions (the monarch shouldn’t have a greater say than a normal person) and everyone should be able to vote.

Religion - What religion does Jasper Hawke practice?


info History
Education - What is Jasper Hawke’s level of education?

Practically none; can read and do basic math

Birthday - When is Jasper Hawke’s birthday?

October 12, 1850

Background - What is Jasper Hawke’s background?

Jasper grew up poor and had to work long hours in a factory to help support his family. He went to school for one year and loved it; however, he was unable to continue attending due to the need to continue supporting his family. He worked several jobs in factories, as a chimney sweep, and as a servant in a wealthy family's home. As a child, he taught himself how to pick pockets and began stealing things to help his family survive- and to keep his younger brother in school.
When he was 17, Jasper was invited to share a small apartment with several of his friends (including Finnian)- however, his family couldn't go. He accepted anyway (it was cheaper to live in), got a job in a factory, and any money that didn't go to paying the rent went to his family. Every time he visited his parents and siblings, his sense of hopelessness increased- he had no future; he worked for ten to twelve hours a day for almost nothing just so the upper class could get richer.
Jasper started stealing more and more, he taught his friends how to pick pockets and locks, and before he knew it their little group was known as Those People Who Will Do Illegal Stuff For You If You Give Them Money. Their group grew and moved into a larger building (the Ken), and that is the story of how Jasper Hawke accidentally started a gang.
Jasper lost contact with his family when they had to move out of their apartment. He knew they were probably in a workhouse or another apartment, but he couldn't find them. (Partly because London is big and partly because he wasn't looking very hard?? He felt that his family held him back in some way; I’m still working on the details. He feels very guilty about feeling that way.)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jasper Hawke have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-Cannot kill
-Unless his own life is on the line, he can't kill or badly hurt anyone (minor injuries are fine)
-And if he does, it wrecks him
-How did he become a gang leader with this weakness, you ask? He's smart and a good actor; he never puts himself in situations where killing is necessary. And the gang itself is based around theivery, not murder, so it isn't too hard to avoid.

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This character was created by Wry_Wyvern on

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