info Overview
Name - What is Elinor Lamarche’s full name?

Elinor Lamarche

Gender - What is Elinor Lamarche’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Elinor Lamarche go by?


Role - What is Elinor Lamarche’s role in your story?


Meaning of name

-Sun ray

Age - How old is Elinor Lamarche?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Elinor Lamarche style their hair?

Medium length, naturally wavy, usually worn down, in a half ponytail, or in a loose braid or bun. Curls it and puts it up for fancy gatherings.

Hair Color - What color is Elinor Lamarche’s hair?

Light brown

Height - How tall is Elinor Lamarche?


Weight - How much does Elinor Lamarche weigh?

144 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elinor Lamarche have?

Some freckles (gets more in the sun), is always wearing something red

Body Type

Slightly curvy, has some fat and not much muscle

Skin Tone


Race - What is Elinor Lamarche’s race?

Human (British & French)

Eye Color - What is Elinor Lamarche’s eye color?

Champagne brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elinor Lamarche have?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Elinor Lamarche have?

Drawing, writing, playing piano, critical thinking, good with numbers but doesn't like to work with them, taught herself how to use a gun and has somewhat decent aim.


Precognition- sometimes she can sense what's going to happen in the future. It only happens occasionally and she can't control it; her ability usually manifests itself in gut feelings about what's going to happen (in general- she can't tell specifics). Overthinking can cloud her magical judgement, so she isn't always right.

Favorite quote/philosophy

Quote: "Knowledge is having the right answer. Intelligence is asking the right question."
Philosophy: "I want to discover. I want to explore. I want to make something out of my life. Hell, maybe I'll change the world."

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elinor Lamarche have?

-Polite and reserved but firm, makes it clear through her tone that she is not a pushover.
-Always carries herself like a queen. Tries (and usually succeeds) to be poised all the time, in posture and manners of speaking.
-Speaks with near-perfect grammar.
-Frequently uses similes.
-Rarely swears, and only uses "damn" and "hell."
-Speaks faster when excited and usually ends up stuttering a bit, as her brain moves faster than her mouth.
-Shifts her gaze around the room when nervous or bored (this is the Elinor equivalent of fidgeting).
-Rarely smiles genuinely (fake polite smiles and smirks are much more common).
-Voice increases in pitch when angry or scared.

Motivations - What motivates Elinor Lamarche most?

Wants to excel at whatever she does and be as close to perfect as possible simply for the merit of a job well done. Would also do anything for her friends.
Plot based- just wants to keep herself and the others alive.

Flaws - What flaws does Elinor Lamarche have?

-Arrogant, overconfident in her abilities & doesn't know her limits.
-Perfectionist, borderline neurotic. Refuses to trust anyone else with important work, instead opting to try to do it all herself until she collapses from exhaustion. Rayne Wickes is the only person allowed to help her (and even then, Elinor needs to know what's going on at all times).
-Judgemental, quick to assume things about others.
-Gets frustrated when people can't keep up with her thought process- she reaches conclusions in a quick and disjointed manner and expects others to think just as fast.
-Nearly clueless in emotional situations.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elinor Lamarche have?

Was indirectly taught to judge people by the way they dress, speak, and act; automatically looks down on people who dress poorly, speak improperly (bad grammar, frequent cursing, etc.), have bad manners- basically poorer and uneducated people. She logically knows that education doesn't equal intelligence, and she's trying to correct this prejudice.
On the flip side, she is subconsciously more inclined to trust people who seem polite and/or more educated.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elinor Lamarche have?

Reading, playing piano, strategy games such as chess, people-watching; used to draw a lot when she was younger but doesn't really do it anymore.

Personality type - What personality type is Elinor Lamarche?

-Imaginative, strategic, quick thinker, decisive; good at thinking on her feet.
-Independent and hardworking, sometimes to a fault.
-Quiet unless she has something important to say, reserved but is willing to open up once in a while to someone she trusts.
-Thoughtful; spends a lot of time in her own head.
-Has a dark, sarcastic sense of humor that is rivaled only by Finn's.
-Doesn’t trust easily and doesn’t open up to a lot of people, but once she decides someone is worth her time, she’ll stand by them forever (or until they betray her trust).
-Realist with an optimistic side (that she'll never admit to), idealistic. She's not that ambitious, mainly because she doesn't have any specific things to aim for, but she's going to give her current occupation her all.


Neutral good


Failure, rejection, small spaces, crowds, losing loved ones

Hogwarts/Ilvermorny House


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Elinor Lamarche’s favorite color?

Crimson and dark blue

Favorite animal - What is Elinor Lamarche’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Elinor Lamarche’s favorite weapon?

Undecided; a gun is efficient, but a knife is quieter and doesn't run out of ammunition

Favorite possession - What is Elinor Lamarche’s favorite possession?

All the books in her library

Favorite food - What is Elinor Lamarche’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Elinor Lamarche’s occupation?

Technically the landlord for Jasper & company, but is also part of their group.

Politics - What politics does Elinor Lamarche have?

Tory- believes that the current political system is fine for the most part (monarch, parliament, only men who own land can vote).
She’s not necessarily change-averse, but she doesn’t push for change as things seem good enough to her.
Her views shift away from this as the story progresses, although politics aren’t really a big plot point.

Religion - What religion does Elinor Lamarche practice?


Job - What job does Elinor Lamarche have?

Legally unemployed



info History
Education - What is Elinor Lamarche’s level of education?

Was tutored for 12 years; can read, write, play the piano, and do math proficiently, has sufficient knowledge of history, ettiquette, and literature

Birthday - When is Elinor Lamarche’s birthday?

January 22, 1849

Background - What is Elinor Lamarche’s background?

Elinor grew up as an only child in a wealthy neighborhood. She was pampered quite a lot and received the best education her parents could afford. She grew up getting mixed messages about the role of women from her parents and her peers- her father consistently told her that she was strong and intelligent while her mother and most other people in her life thought that women only existed to raise the children and look pretty (and cook and clean if they were too poor to afford servants). Elinor was very close to her father growing up and was devastated when her parents disowned her at age 16 for having a girlfriend.
Elinor moved in with her grandparents and lived a slightly less glamorous (middle class) lifestyle for more than three years; after which her grandparents died and left her a large sum of money and their huge house. She realized that she could only live off of her inheritance for another couple of months- more if she sold the house, but she didn't want to- so she started looking for a job (as a woman in a male-dominated society who was not willing to do the work of the "lower class", this was difficult).
One day, when she was almost out of money, Elinor caught someone (Jasper Hawke) breaking into the house. He explained that he thought it was abandoned (she didn't really spend that much time there), and that he and his small but steadily growing group (which was just about survival at that point) needed the space. Desperate, Elinor offered the first and second floors of her house for rent, and Jasper agreed.
She lived on the third floor separate from Jasper's gang for a while. She didn't trust any of them, so she locked herself into any room she entered and carried a handgun on her person at all times. After a few months, when it became clear that they weren't going to try to harm her and that they weren't really a bad sort (well, not as bad as it could get, at least), she decided to officially join this group. Why not- after all, she could use a few adventures in her life.

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history Changelog
edit Notes

-She's fascinated by human nature. She doesn't really understand what makes some people tick, which makes it more intriguing to her.
-Dislikes her magical ability. She hates that she can't control it and that whenever she feels strongly about something it could be magic or just her emotions. She hates that she could be wrong and that there's no way to know for sure beforehand.
-Elinor grew up on fantasy stories, being told she could be anything, and never really experiencing how hard life was until she was older. No matter how hard things get, deep down she believes that everything is going to be okay.
-Attached to the color red, and tries to wear it or have something red on her person all the time. She isn't entirely sure why.
-Tactician half of the "king & tactician" trope (Jasper Hawke is the king)

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