info Overview
Name - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s full name?

Samuel Scott Costa

Age - How old is Samuel Scott Costa?


Gender - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s gender?

trans male

Other names - What other aliases does Samuel Scott Costa go by?

Sam, Scotty, Elizabeth

Role - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s role in your story?

Jean's boyfriend

face Looks
Skin Tone


Body Type

strongly built, but graceful, broad shoulders, short

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Samuel Scott Costa have?

his left foot is twisted slightly inward

Weight - How much does Samuel Scott Costa weigh?


Height - How tall is Samuel Scott Costa?

5' 4"

Hair Color - What color is Samuel Scott Costa’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Samuel Scott Costa style their hair?

a big curly floof on top of his head, but short on the sides

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Samuel Scott Costa have?

sometimes a scraggly beard

Eye Color - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Samuel Scott Costa?

a quiet introvert who will strive to get what he wants



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Samuel Scott Costa have?

-smirks too much
-rolls head around a lot when bored
-drums fingers and hums marches when nervous
-taps foot when angry

Motivations - What motivates Samuel Scott Costa most?

fear of failure

Flaws - What flaws does Samuel Scott Costa have?

paranoid and quiet

Prejudices - What prejudices does Samuel Scott Costa have?

people who don't take him seriously and people with a fear of heights or closed in spaces

Talents - What talents does Samuel Scott Costa have?

can remember almost anything

Hobbies - What hobbies does Samuel Scott Costa have?

knitting, woodworking

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s favorite color?

prussian blue

Favorite food - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s favorite food?

blueberry waffles

Favorite possession - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s favorite possession?

a poster of venomous snakes in Mississippi

Favorite weapon - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Samuel Scott Costa practice?


Politics - What politics does Samuel Scott Costa have?


Occupation - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s occupation?

singer/tap dancer

info History
Birthday - When is Samuel Scott Costa’s birthday?

April 1st

Education - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s level of education?

through highschool

Background - What is Samuel Scott Costa’s background?

Samuel was born Elizabeth Rathsnith on April 1st. He was left in an orphanage and grew up there until the 6th grade, when Susan and John Costa adopted him. He can out as trans a few years later. His parents were very supportive and helped in any way they could. Samuel soon grew more confident in himself, was more open and made more friends. He always felt in pressure to join his father in the Italian mafia. He still has connections to them and is on good terms with them, but he went to The University Of Arizona to study dance and music. He learned about Miss. Valorie Stringer’s dance and music lessons and decided to take them up while still in collage. Later after graduation he proposed to his girlfriend and ran away with Jean, his boyfriend, to become famous.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other things
Mental State

he tries to find a solution to everything, but also pushes some things back, like how his parents are dead and how he'll never meet them.




-Act 1-pink jean jacket
Act 1-pink leather biker gloves
Act 3-Prussian blue suspenders
Act 3-Prussian blue tie
-Act 1-aviator sunglasses
Act 2/3-sometimes a prussian blue cab cap
-Act 1-light blue plain muscle top
Act 2/3-a white button up
-Act 3-sometimes a knee length prussian blue skirt
-Act 2/3-black dress shoes
-Act 1/2/3-long dark blue jeans
Act 3-dark blue leggings for when he wears a skirt

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This character was created by Joneathan on

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