info Overview
Name - What is Jean Heartsfield’s full name?

Jean Heartsfield

Age - How old is Jean Heartsfield?


Gender - What is Jean Heartsfield’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jean Heartsfield go by?

June (Miss. Valorie), worthless (Miss. Valorie), lover boy (Samuel)

Role - What is Jean Heartsfield’s role in your story?

Main character

face Looks
Skin Tone


Body Type

Fragile and graceful

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jean Heartsfield have?

a red birthmark in a diagonal across his face
a small tattoo of an eye on his forehead

Weight - How much does Jean Heartsfield weigh?

160 lbs

Height - How tall is Jean Heartsfield?

6' 3"

Hair Color - What color is Jean Heartsfield’s hair?

dark grey

Hair Style - How does Jean Heartsfield style their hair?

poofy and short, about to his ears, swept out of his face

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jean Heartsfield have?


Eye Color - What is Jean Heartsfield’s eye color?

soft dark blue

Race - What is Jean Heartsfield’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Jean Heartsfield?

sweet and kind, but also kind of childish He often doesn't think things through and likes being around people



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jean Heartsfield have?

-runs on the balls of his feet
-never smiles with his teeth
-clacks his tongue against the roof of his mouth when thinking
-throws things around when he's angry
-scratches at his face when scared or nervous

Motivations - What motivates Jean Heartsfield most?

love and crushes
fear of rejection

Flaws - What flaws does Jean Heartsfield have?

-falls in love to easily
-trusts everyone
-when drunk he's way too harsh

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jean Heartsfield have?

people in power

Talents - What talents does Jean Heartsfield have?

playing ukulele

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jean Heartsfield have?

-building his business
-learning to play other instruments

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jean Heartsfield’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jean Heartsfield’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Jean Heartsfield’s favorite possession?

his late dad's cab cap

Favorite weapon - What is Jean Heartsfield’s favorite weapon?

swiss army knife

Favorite animal - What is Jean Heartsfield’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Jean Heartsfield have?

newspaper journalist and singer/tap dancer

Religion - What religion does Jean Heartsfield practice?


Politics - What politics does Jean Heartsfield have?

neutral, he doesn't trust people of power, but he doesn't really care what they do. Jean has kind of accepted that he can't do anything about it and has just given up. He only cares if he's alive.

Occupation - What is Jean Heartsfield’s occupation?

singer/tap dancer

info History
Birthday - When is Jean Heartsfield’s birthday?

February 14th

Education - What is Jean Heartsfield’s level of education?

associates degree in dance

Background - What is Jean Heartsfield’s background?

Jean was born into a big family, being the 6th out of 8 children. Around the time he was born his parents, Kasy and Luther Roberts, were going through a divorce. It was never official until after the next two children, twins, were born. Kasy was given custody of Jean and the twins while Luther got the other 5 children. Jean was very young when this happened and after they moved out he was told that they were his cousins and that Luther was his uncle. Jean always thought the man his mother married after the divorce, Kyle Heartsfeild, was his real father until around the time he started high school. This is when Jean found out the truth. He didn’t mind much, Kyle was always kind to him and the twins and he didn’t have anymore siblings so it was all fine to him. Jean was a weird kid, quick at making friends, but also quick at losing them. He was an excellent student, always having A’s and being at the top of his class. He wasn't interested in any of the subjects, but he always did his best and even more so. Kasy always said that if he didn’t try his best then he wasn’t ever going to be his best and people would always see him as the worst. In highschool he got his first partner, his family didn’t mind but his mother made him study harder to make sure that the ‘little romance’ as she called it, wasn’t interfering with his grades. Jean was valedictorian of his class, something his whole family was proud of. He went to The University Of Arizona to study dance. Jean later quit college to go help his mother after she got deathly sick then stayed at home in small town Arizona to get lessons from his longtime celebrity crush Miss. Valorie Stringer. After a few months Jean ran away from the mentally and physically abusive person Miss. Valorie Stringer turned out to be with his new boyfriend Samuel. They soon got famous from their story and near perfect performances. He killed Miss. Valorie Stringer in an act of self defense, but just brushed it off. Jean then lived a happy life with Samuel and later settled down, living off the fame and success they had earned.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jean Heartsfield have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Other things
Mental State

he often pushes things far down to not deal with them and acts like a child when confronted by them. He also has this mentality to do his best always and it kind of weights down on him.




-Act 1-plain teal unzipped hoodie
Act 3-brown suspenders
Act 3-brown tie
-Act 1/2/3-his father's cab cap
-Act 1-an old grey tee shirt for his father's 90's aesthetic band 'The Arrival'
Act 2/3-a white button up
-Act 3-light brown skirt that goes to his knees
-Act 1-bright teal sneakers
Act 2/3-tap shoes
-Act 1-dark blue jeans
Act 2-long dark brown jeans
Act 3-dark brown leggings when he's wearing a skirt

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This character was created by Joneathan on

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