info Overview
Name - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s full name?

Link Kiaré Farrowday

Other names - What other aliases does Link Kiaré Farrowday go by?

LinK Farrowday, her author signature

Role - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s role in your story?

The daughter of a Gerudo that Link helped when he was on his quest, Link Kiaré is an fearless woman who travels all over the land in search of adventure, treasure, and a partner.

Gender - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s gender?


Age - How old is Link Kiaré Farrowday?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Link Kiaré Farrowday have?

Missing a bottom tooth due to a mishap when she was in the Gerudo'Basso

Hair Style - How does Link Kiaré Farrowday style their hair?

High ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Link Kiaré Farrowday have?


Eye Color - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s eye color?


Race - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s race?

Hylian-born Gerudo

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Medium brown

Body Type

Lean and somewhat muscular

Weight - How much does Link Kiaré Farrowday weigh?

180 pounds

Height - How tall is Link Kiaré Farrowday?


Hair Color - What color is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s hair?

Crimson red

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Occupation - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s occupation?






Religion - What religion does Link Kiaré Farrowday practice?


Politics - What politics does Link Kiaré Farrowday have?


info History
Background - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s background?

Link Kiaré was born to a Gerudo woman by the name of Malena and her Hylian father, surname Farrowday. Back when the Hylian CHampion was on his quest to rescue the princess, Malena reached out to him in a desperate attempt to save her husband, whom was dying of an illness that was only cured by the medicine made from the guts of a Molduga. At the time, the Basso were dealing with the rampaging Vah Naboris, so they dismissed Malena's dangerous request, but Link was more than happy to gather the necessary material. Malena was so overjoyed that she promised to name her firstborn after him. Unbeknowst to her, she promised to name her daughter after a man, and she even commented that his name sounded masculine, but she went ahead with her promise. It was only well after her daughter was born and named did she realize that Link was a man the entire time.

Link Kiaré grew up the way many children of her time did, on a healthy amount of stories about the exploits of the Hero of Hyrule. She was inspired by his quest, and took more than a little pride in the fact that she was named for him. She spent her childhood exploring the desert around her home, and graduated to exploring the world after she was finished with her compulsory military service to the Gerudo'Basso. She made a name for herself by completing the Traveler Shrine Challenge, a call to adventurers to travel to all 96 shrines that were established up in the Champion's honor, as well as to help adventurers explore the land. She used her experience to write a guide on the best way to get to each shrine, which turned out to be a runaway hit due to the fact that people erroneously believed that Link himself wrote the book.

To this day, Link Kiaré continues to travel the world in search of adventure, profit, and true love.

Education - What is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s level of education?

Educated at home

Birthday - When is Link Kiaré Farrowday’s birthday?

17 Wintera 001 E.C.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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folder_open Other details
folder_open Wealth

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