Approximately 7 years old
Coarse, wolf fur
2 ft
154 lb
She doesn’t really have any
Smol, looks really weak ( don’t judge a book by its cover tho )
Whatever is beneath the fur
Wolf ( a different kind then you are used to )
They change between brown, amber, and light light light blue.
Amber is quiet and shy. She tends to get snappy at anyone who teases her or threatens her.
Her father and Sofie
She doesn’t trust many
She thinks every creature is out to get her
Amber can squeeze through tight spaces and speak to the creatures in her dimension.
Amber likes to climb
Her dad taught her a lot and she once went to a school.
Amber was raised by a a Manticore. The spirits sent a normal wolf to a pack of Kitsunes and they refused to keep her. She grew up being teased for her everything.
Feb. 21 (Unlike other wolves, it I said not uncommon for a wolf to be born in the winter)
Amber has an actual piece of amber given to her by her father
Red or orange
She cleans a school for money
Amber likes to use creatures against creatures, especially if they are on the same team as the ones annoying her.