info Overview
Name - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s full name?

Jane Amelia Cagewell

Age - How old is Jane Amelia Cagewell?

she was in her late 20's when she died

Gender - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jane Amelia Cagewell go by?

Amelia, Bubbles

Role - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s role in your story?

Jeffrey's sister

face Looks
Skin Tone

cracker white

Body Type

a bit chubby, but it looks good on her

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

a tattoo of flowers and diamonds on her upper left arm

Weight - How much does Jane Amelia Cagewell weigh?


Height - How tall is Jane Amelia Cagewell?

5' 6"

Hair Color - What color is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jane Amelia Cagewell style their hair?

a short poodle cut, think Lucille Ball, a puff of curly hair on the top and shorter on the sides

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?


Eye Color - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s eye color?


Race - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Jane Amelia Cagewell?

Fun, like a mother who really isn't a mother, but will take care of her friends if need be.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

clacking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, tapping her foot when nervous, always runs up and down stairs, smacks her gum

Motivations - What motivates Jane Amelia Cagewell most?

her family, any small animal, and her weird need for every little thing to be perfect and good and clean

Flaws - What flaws does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

She often doesn't listen, and goes off of instinct too often. she also doesn't have feeling for people when she doesn't know them a long time and doesn't have a connection with them

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

anyone who thinks suicide is the cowards way out and anyone who doesn't like root-beer floats or real butter. She is also a bit homophobic but she's working past it because her brother is gay.

Talents - What talents does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

can juggle

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s favorite food?

Apple crumble

Favorite possession - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s favorite possession?

her original Rosie the Riveter poster, stolen straight off a brick wall in her hometown

Favorite weapon - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s favorite weapon?

any short knives

Favorite animal - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s favorite animal?

The thylacine at the zoo that died when she was 10, they kept it stuffed there for a long time after that

Job - What job does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?


Religion - What religion does Jane Amelia Cagewell practice?


Politics - What politics does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

She likes her brother's idea with a voting anarchy

Occupation - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s occupation?

she works as a rescuer, a person who wipes souls and sends them into a new body

info History
Birthday - When is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s birthday?

June 26th, 1932

Education - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s level of education?

Went through collage and got a degree in teaching

Background - What is Jane Amelia Cagewell’s background?

Born 1932 somewhere in southeast Canada, Jane Amelia Cagewell was always ready for anything. As a little kid, she loved the zoo that was close to their house. It was a small zoo, and it didn’t really have the rights to the property, but it did have the last thylacine in the world. It died around 1942, when she was about 10. Around this time she started getting a fascination with airplanes that never went away. She went all the way through high school with good grades and soon went on to collage. She majored in being an English teacher. A few years after collage she married Nelson Smith and had only one child who died a few years later. Because she didn’t know the child that long she didn’t have a very good connection with him, even though she had given birth to him. So she soon got over his death. The death of her twin brother in the late 50’s sent her into a deep depression (because she knew him well and had a very good connection with him) made her husband leave her because she had changed so much. Then on September 25th, 1963, she hung herself. With her father’s death and the guilt of her bother’s death and her husband leaving her she couldn’t take it anymore. She now lives in the afterworld with her brother and his husband. She is a rescuer. (A person who wipes souls and sends them into a new body).

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jane Amelia Cagewell have?

she used to have a frog in her small apartment when she was alive

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

-She feels a little guilty when she wipes souls but knows it's like recycling and it's all good.
-She got the role of a rescuer because her brother's husband basically runs the afterworld and because she was terrible at collecting souls for the afterworld so se had to get a new job

folder_open Other things
Mental State

She has multiple mental problems that she doesn't like to talk about and doesn't really know how to deal with big things like loss and success




-a red w/ white polka dot dress that she sometimes wears
-a brown leather jacket
-a red bandana tied around her head
-a white v-cut shirt
-red high heels
-jeans that are rolled up at the bottom

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