info Overview
Name - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s full name?

Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell

Age - How old is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell?

He died when was in his late 20's and is still in his late 20's in the afterlife

Gender - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell go by?

Jeffers, Rompen, bane of my existence

Role - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s role in your story?

friend of Jo

face Looks
Skin Tone

Light brown Mediterranean

Body Type

He's more on the lean side, with a childlike aurora to him

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

His left arm is shorter than his right. He has a scar above his right elbow, another going from his bellybutton to his ribcage and his right foot is slightly twisted inward.

Weight - How much does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell weigh?


Height - How tall is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell?

5' 3"

Hair Color - What color is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s hair?

It is actually Salt and pepper colored, but he dyes it green

Hair Style - How does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell style their hair?

short, but never really brushes it so it's all messy and sticks up in most places

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

Clean shaven

Eye Color - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s eye color?

Blue, a kind of sky blue

Race - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

-Gives everyone nicknames
-Can't focus long on things

Motivations - What motivates Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell most?

Sometimes food, but usually friends and his sister

Flaws - What flaws does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

He's childish, and doesn't have many friends

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?


Talents - What talents does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

He can sing any over dramatic swoon song really well

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s favorite color?

lime green

Favorite food - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s favorite food?

any seafood

Favorite possession - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s favorite possession?

A ring his husband gave him

Favorite weapon - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s favorite weapon?

He would really like to use a mace, but never had the chance.

Favorite animal - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s favorite animal?

All animals, but mainly alligators.

Job - What job does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

He's a welcomer, he welcomes people into the afterlife

Religion - What religion does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell practice?

raised catholic

Politics - What politics does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

Is fine with the monarchy, but would rather have what he calls a voting anarchy.

Occupation - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s occupation?

He is a welcomer, a person who gives information and helps the newly departed fit into their new home

info History
Birthday - When is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s birthday?

June 26th, 1932

Education - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s level of education?

he got up to a high school degree

Background - What is Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell’s background?

Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell was born June 26th, 1932 in Southwest Canada. He had a good relationship with his twin sister Jane. Jeffrey had a good childhood, his parents always wanted him to do best and always tried to help him with that. He didn’t make many friends when he was kid because he was shy and didn’t like others. After high school he moved, not perusing any collage, just to get away from the small town and go to a larger city. Jeffrey moved slightly up north and worked at a coffee shop. That’s where he met Ezhil. They soon became friends, then boyfriends. They had to hide their relationship but they still lived together. After moving Jeffrey only kept in contact with Jane, even telling her about his new boyfriend. In 1963, Jeffrey and Ezhil where killed as a hate crime.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell have?

He had a goldfish named fluffy.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Jeffrey Donavan Cagewell was born June 26th, 1932. He grew up in Greece until he was ready to start elementary school. Because of some mob boss type stuff that went down he and his entire family had to move to India. There he met his one true love Ezhil. After high school they ran away together to Canada. It was the 1950's and they were found out to be a gay couple. They were killed then in a hate crime only 10 years after hey arrived to Canada.

folder_open Other things
Mental State

let's not talk about that


ya boi gaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy


-He sometimes wears a watch but often forgets. He never forgets the friendship bracelet he has been wearing for almost twenty years
-A little white or purple bow
-An old white button up usually with a purple vest, with lace-like patterns on the front, on top of that. He often wears the purple tie he wore to his "wedding"
-Not often but he will wear his sister's skirts because they're comfier than most pants
-old shoes that could pass for dress shoes if needed. They're torn up and basically falling apart
-dress pants that always look like they were freshly ironed

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This character was created by Joneathan on

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