info Overview
Name - What is Victoria Peighton’s full name?

Victoria Peighton

Role - What is Victoria Peighton’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Victoria Peighton?

Over 200 years but looks to be 35.

Gender - What is Victoria Peighton’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Victoria Peighton go by?

Tori, Vicky, Victeorea

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Victoria Peighton have?


Hair Style - How does Victoria Peighton style their hair?

Medium-length, worn up in a stylish and exagerated fashion.

Hair Color - What color is Victoria Peighton’s hair?


Height - How tall is Victoria Peighton?


Weight - How much does Victoria Peighton weigh?

135 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Victoria Peighton have?

Scar above her upperlip
Well-sculpted eyebrows
An almost permanent sneer on her face that takes away a lot of her beauty.

Body Type

Though some muscle definition (mostly in her arms), her body is curved.

Skin Tone

medium - olive undertone

Race - What is Victoria Peighton’s race?


Eye Color - What is Victoria Peighton’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Victoria Peighton have?

White Knights are boring and are all out to stop her

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Victoria Peighton have?

Proper, ladylike

Motivations - What motivates Victoria Peighton most?

Revenge, returning to her own world

Flaws - What flaws does Victoria Peighton have?

Selfish, self-centered, villainous

Talents - What talents does Victoria Peighton have?

Inate magic (does not need an object to channel her magic) political savvy

Hobbies - What hobbies does Victoria Peighton have?

Inflicting pain, stalking her victims, feeding their paranoia.

Personality type - What personality type is Victoria Peighton?

Warm to those close to her but a cold, haughty and unfeeling bitch to everyone else

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Victoria Peighton’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Victoria Peighton’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Victoria Peighton’s favorite weapon?

Her magic

Favorite possession - What is Victoria Peighton’s favorite possession?

An enchanted jewelrybox

Favorite color - What is Victoria Peighton’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Victoria Peighton’s occupation?

Overlord, Queen, Mayor

Politics - What politics does Victoria Peighton have?

Queen, Mayor

Religion - What religion does Victoria Peighton practice?


Job - What job does Victoria Peighton have?

She's the Mayor of a small town.

info History
Education - What is Victoria Peighton’s level of education?

Higher Education

Background - What is Victoria Peighton’s background?

She was born to a witch and warlock, surpassing both of them. Her father had many royal ambitions and forced Victoria to become Queen. Her longevity comes from her power. Her parents both passed away by the time she reached her 100th birthday. She married a king wo had a young son who despised Victoria, blamed her for the death of his mother. She did indeed have a hand in it, but only after she realized this did she enter the marriage with his father. He was a cruel man to everyone but his people. Those that knew him knew to stay clear but Victoria had him killed soon after their marriage. She raised the boy but when he came of age he started his hunt on all witches, warlocks and sorceresses. He disliked magic with a fervent passion and he would ban it from their realm, starting with Victoria.

Birthday - When is Victoria Peighton’s birthday?

July 2 (1653)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Victoria Peighton have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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