info Overview
Name - What is Shayleen Brigham’s full name?

Shayleen Brigham

Role - What is Shayleen Brigham’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Shayleen Brigham?

21-30 (depending on time in story)

Gender - What is Shayleen Brigham’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Shayleen Brigham go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Shayleen Brigham have?


Hair Style - How does Shayleen Brigham style their hair?

Long wavy hair usually let down but will tie it in a ponytail for practical reasons

Hair Color - What color is Shayleen Brigham’s hair?

Dark brown

Height - How tall is Shayleen Brigham?


Weight - How much does Shayleen Brigham weigh?

130 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Shayleen Brigham have?

Her eyes turn to complete black when angered.
Has a resting bitch face
pierced ears, i.e; helix and earlobes
Deep scar tissue on her shoulders where wings sprout from.
Various tattoos

Body Type

Well defined muscles
Gains muscle easily

Skin Tone

white to light brown

Race - What is Shayleen Brigham’s race?

Halfbreed (part human, part pride demon)

Eye Color - What is Shayleen Brigham’s eye color?

Dark forest green

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Shayleen Brigham have?

Classism. She believes the more a person has materially speaking, the less respect they deserve. When she comes into money herself she refuses to acknowledge her wealth, instead having someone else manage her accounts for her.


Shae knows little to nothing about what she is or what she's capable of. The older she gets, the more she finds out.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Shayleen Brigham have?

Nail biter, prefers a chaotic environment, believes herself to be a gift to mankind

Motivations - What motivates Shayleen Brigham most?

Wants to become a famous rocker

Flaws - What flaws does Shayleen Brigham have?

When dealing with interpersonal conflict, Shae prefers to attack first, often with threats that spiral into ultimatums. In physical confrontations, Shae is a willing fighter.
She has a tendency to be apathetic, self-centred, snarky and stubborn.

Talents - What talents does Shayleen Brigham have?

Supernatural physical prowess, ability to sense magic, amazing and interchangeable singing voice, playing the guitar, ambidextrous

Hobbies - What hobbies does Shayleen Brigham have?

Singing, playing the guitar, looking for fights she can win

Personality type - What personality type is Shayleen Brigham?

Arrogant, sarcastic, distrustful of anyone outside of her comfortzone.
Yet very protective and often accomodating of her friends, brave (or depending how one looks at it, stupid)

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Shayleen Brigham’s favorite food?

Hamburgers, the greasier the better.

Favorite animal - What is Shayleen Brigham’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Shayleen Brigham’s favorite weapon?

Short sword

Favorite possession - What is Shayleen Brigham’s favorite possession?

Hunting knife she stole when she was 12

Favorite color - What is Shayleen Brigham’s favorite color?

Red, purple and grey.

Occupation - What is Shayleen Brigham’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Shayleen Brigham have?


Religion - What religion does Shayleen Brigham practice?


Job - What job does Shayleen Brigham have?


info History
Education - What is Shayleen Brigham’s level of education?

Dropped out of High School

Background - What is Shayleen Brigham’s background?

Shae was born to a warlock father and a halfbreed of unknowns mother. They had no other plans with her than to have her grow up with other halfbreeds.
With the fall of Victoria, magic beings across Mesmoria became persecuted if they were not considered "light". Thousands of demonspawn and their parents were either put to death or banished from the realm. Shae was among the lucky ones that were banished. They did not deem her dangerous enough to put to death so they sent her to Earth, a realm that to the inhabitants of Mesmoria was considered a hellish place because of the lack of magic and mortal life only.
She was found outside of a Women's Hospital in Boston at barely a month old with only a first name burnt into her skin on her back between her shoulderblades. As she grew older the scarred name faded but never completely gone.
As a baby she was fostered by 6 set of parents over a stretch of 3 years but ultimately grew up in a foster/grouphome. She somehow exuded an unwelcome air for any potential adoptive parents. She never smiled or laughed, and most fosterparents were terrified when she would look them in the eyes, claiming Shae had no soul, only emptiness inside. It wouldn't be until her teenage years and the changing of her hormones that she started to smile and have fun like a normal human being.

Birthday - When is Shayleen Brigham’s birthday?

5th of December (closest estimate)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Shayleen Brigham have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

She needs to be a hero but hates the idea of actually being one.

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